Papilomaviry (HPV) u homosexuálů


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Na internetu se nacházejí dva dobře zpracované materiály, ze kterých se dají vyčíst informace o rozsahu zneužívání dětí gayi.

Pavel Čermák

Lidské papilomaviry jsou zodpovědné za 90 – 99 % případů rakoviny děložního čípku a 70 – 100 % případů rakoviny konečníku.

Jejich genetická informace je kódovaná v DNA a jsou známé pod anglickou zkratkou HPV (Human papillomavirus).

Dnes jsou zmapované genetické sekvence více než 170 typů lidských papilomavirů, které se dělí do pěti rodů: Alphapapillomavirus, Betapapillomavirus, Gammapapillomavirus, Mupapillomavirus Nupapillomavirus.

Kromě toho bylo zjištěno přinejmenším dalších 200 domnělých typů virů, které teprve čekají na zmapování svého genomu a klasifikaci.

Wikipedie nabízí následující přehled onemocnění způsobených papilomaviry a u nich vždy čísla typů , které je vyvolávají:




Common warts

2, 7, 22

Plantar warts

1, 2, 4, 63

Flat warts

3, 10, 8

Anogenital warts

6, 11, 42, 44 and others[13]

Anal dysplasia (lesions)

6, 16, 18, 31, 53, 58[14]

Genital cancers

  • Highest risk:[13] 16, 18, 31, 45
  • Other high-risk:[13][15] 33, 35, 39, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59
  • Probably high-risk:[15] 26, 53, 66, 68, 73, 82

Epidermodysplasia verruciformis

more than 15 types

Focal epithelial hyperplasia (oral)

13, 32

Oral papillomas

6, 7, 11, 16, 32

Oropharyngeal cancer


Verrucous cyst


Laryngeal papillomatosis

6, 11


DNA papilomavirů však byla zjištěna také v periferní krvi u 8,3 % zdravých dárců krve.

V další studii (Carlo Foresta) byly bílkoviny HPV nalezeny v lymfocytech Cd20+ a Cd56+ v periferní krvi a spermatu. Nález souvisel s infekcí spermatu papilomavirem typu 16.

Informace o nepřehledném počtu typů lidských papilomavirů a jejich výskytu v různých typech lidských tkání zde uvádím úmyslně, aby bylo jasné, o jak složitou problematiku se jedná a kolik toho ještě zbývá prozkoumat, protože jednotlivé typy virů se geneticky i chováním v organismu poměrně výrazně liší.

Nechci však vyvolávat paniku. S papilomaviry se během života setká každý a velká část z nich je pokládána za neškodné. Lidský organismus se jich většinou dokáže po infekci zbavit sám a vážné onemocnění způsobí jen v některých případech.

Na druhé straně se však nejedná o zanedbatelnou problematiku, jak vidíme z mohutné kampaně podporující očkování proti některým typům papilomavirů. Základní informaci o papilomavirech je možné nalézt například v článku, který napsal MUDr Fait.

Papilomaviry u homosexuálů

Výskytem papilomavirové infekce u mužů kteří mají sex s muži (MSM) se zabývá studie, kterou publikoval Stephen Goldstone a další autoři. Průměrný věk byl 22 let a do studie byli úmyslně vybráni muži, kteří nebyli nakaženi HIV (virem AIDS).

Přítomnost typů papilomavirů 6, 11, 16 nebo 18 byla zjištěna u 30 % MSM (mužů kteří mají sex s muži) v porovnání s 8 % heterosexuálních mužů. Tato studie pracovala s mladými muži o průměrném věku 22 let a tak je počet nakažených relativně nízký v porovnání s jinými studiemi.

Peter Newman a spoluautoři provedli metaanalýzu více studií a uvádějí, že anální infekce papilomaviry se vyskytuje u 15 % heterosexuálních mužů, 60 % MSM kteří jsou HIV negativní a téměř 95 % MSM HIV+ (mužů kteří mají sex s muži a jsou nakaženi virem působícím AIDS).

Vysoký výskyt anální infekce HPV souvisí se zvýšeným výskytem rakoviny konečníku, který je u MSM 44krát vyšší, než v běžné populaci. V případě MSM, kteří jsou nakaženi HIV je výskyt rakoviny konečníku dokonce 60krát vyšší.

Infekce papilomaviry, které patří k nejrozšířenějším původcům sexuálně přenosných nemocí, se tedy vyskytuje přibližně čtyřikrát častěji u mužů, kteří mají sex s muži, než u heterosexuálních mužů. Z toho vyplývají podobná varování jako u jiných pohlavních nemocí. Toto varování se týká v první řadě všech mužů, kteří mají někdy sex s jiným mužem (MSM). Týká se však také žen, které by měly být zvláště ostražité kdykoli mají podezření, že muž který o ně projevuje zájem je homosexuál, bisexuál, nebo má někdy homosex za peníze. Důsledky jsou jasné i pro případné dárcovství krve nebo jiných orgánů homosexuály.

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Propecia (Finasteride) is the first and still the only FDA approved internal medication used to treat hair loss and balding in men. The only other FDA approved medication to treat hair loss is called Rogaine (minoxidil), which is applied topically to the scalp in the thinning areas.

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Propecia was discovered to have hair restoration qualities quite by accident. Several years ago, patients taking a pill for prostate health were noted to be regrowing hair on their heads. After noticing this, scientists discovered that the active ingredients in Propecia worked to block the production in the body of a certain hormone in the male body called dihydrotestosterone (also known as DHT). It has been shown that men who suffer from male pattern baldness have increased levels of DHT in their bodies. The DHT works somehow to cause the hair follicles to produce smaller and finer hairs, so that eventually, the thinning is noticeable and your appearance has changed.

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Propecia (Finasteride) is the first and still the only FDA approved internal medication used to treat hair loss and balding in men. The only other FDA approved medication to treat hair loss is called Rogaine (minoxidil), which is applied topically to the scalp in the thinning areas.

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Propecia was discovered to have hair restoration qualities quite by accident. Several years ago, patients taking a pill for prostate health were noted to be regrowing hair on their heads. After noticing this, scientists discovered that the active ingredients in Propecia worked to block the production in the body of a certain hormone in the male body called dihydrotestosterone (also known as DHT). It has been shown that men who suffer from male pattern baldness have increased levels of DHT in their bodies. The DHT works somehow to cause the hair follicles to produce smaller and finer hairs, so that eventually, the thinning is noticeable and your appearance has changed.

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Propecia (Finasteride) is the first and still the only FDA approved internal medication used to treat hair loss and balding in men. The only other FDA approved medication to treat hair loss is called Rogaine (minoxidil), which is applied topically to the scalp in the thinning areas.

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Propecia was discovered to have hair restoration qualities quite by accident. Several years ago, patients taking a pill for prostate health were noted to be regrowing hair on their heads. After noticing this, scientists discovered that the active ingredients in Propecia worked to block the production in the body of a certain hormone in the male body called dihydrotestosterone (also known as DHT). It has been shown that men who suffer from male pattern baldness have increased levels of DHT in their bodies. The DHT works somehow to cause the hair follicles to produce smaller and finer hairs, so that eventually, the thinning is noticeable and your appearance has changed.

61420)  Buy Propecia (27.06.2018 13:53)

Propecia (Finasteride) is the first and still the only FDA approved internal medication used to treat hair loss and balding in men. The only other FDA approved medication to treat hair loss is called Rogaine (minoxidil), which is applied topically to the scalp in the thinning areas.

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Propecia was discovered to have hair restoration qualities quite by accident. Several years ago, patients taking a pill for prostate health were noted to be regrowing hair on their heads. After noticing this, scientists discovered that the active ingredients in Propecia worked to block the production in the body of a certain hormone in the male body called dihydrotestosterone (also known as DHT). It has been shown that men who suffer from male pattern baldness have increased levels of DHT in their bodies. The DHT works somehow to cause the hair follicles to produce smaller and finer hairs, so that eventually, the thinning is noticeable and your appearance has changed.

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Propecia (Finasteride) is the first and still the only FDA approved internal medication used to treat hair loss and balding in men. The only other FDA approved medication to treat hair loss is called Rogaine (minoxidil), which is applied topically to the scalp in the thinning areas.

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Propecia was discovered to have hair restoration qualities quite by accident. Several years ago, patients taking a pill for prostate health were noted to be regrowing hair on their heads. After noticing this, scientists discovered that the active ingredients in Propecia worked to block the production in the body of a certain hormone in the male body called dihydrotestosterone (also known as DHT). It has been shown that men who suffer from male pattern baldness have increased levels of DHT in their bodies. The DHT works somehow to cause the hair follicles to produce smaller and finer hairs, so that eventually, the thinning is noticeable and your appearance has changed.

61425)  Buy Propecia (27.06.2018 18:27)

Propecia (Finasteride) is the first and still the only FDA approved internal medication used to treat hair loss and balding in men. The only other FDA approved medication to treat hair loss is called Rogaine (minoxidil), which is applied topically to the scalp in the thinning areas.

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Propecia was discovered to have hair restoration qualities quite by accident. Several years ago, patients taking a pill for prostate health were noted to be regrowing hair on their heads. After noticing this, scientists discovered that the active ingredients in Propecia worked to block the production in the body of a certain hormone in the male body called dihydrotestosterone (also known as DHT). It has been shown that men who suffer from male pattern baldness have increased levels of DHT in their bodies. The DHT works somehow to cause the hair follicles to produce smaller and finer hairs, so that eventually, the thinning is noticeable and your appearance has changed.

61426)  Buy Propecia (27.06.2018 18:27)

Propecia (Finasteride) is the first and still the only FDA approved internal medication used to treat hair loss and balding in men. The only other FDA approved medication to treat hair loss is called Rogaine (minoxidil), which is applied topically to the scalp in the thinning areas.

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Propecia was discovered to have hair restoration qualities quite by accident. Several years ago, patients taking a pill for prostate health were noted to be regrowing hair on their heads. After noticing this, scientists discovered that the active ingredients in Propecia worked to block the production in the body of a certain hormone in the male body called dihydrotestosterone (also known as DHT). It has been shown that men who suffer from male pattern baldness have increased levels of DHT in their bodies. The DHT works somehow to cause the hair follicles to produce smaller and finer hairs, so that eventually, the thinning is noticeable and your appearance has changed.

61427)  Buy Propecia (27.06.2018 18:27)

Propecia (Finasteride) is the first and still the only FDA approved internal medication used to treat hair loss and balding in men. The only other FDA approved medication to treat hair loss is called Rogaine (minoxidil), which is applied topically to the scalp in the thinning areas.

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Propecia was discovered to have hair restoration qualities quite by accident. Several years ago, patients taking a pill for prostate health were noted to be regrowing hair on their heads. After noticing this, scientists discovered that the active ingredients in Propecia worked to block the production in the body of a certain hormone in the male body called dihydrotestosterone (also known as DHT). It has been shown that men who suffer from male pattern baldness have increased levels of DHT in their bodies. The DHT works somehow to cause the hair follicles to produce smaller and finer hairs, so that eventually, the thinning is noticeable and your appearance has changed.

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