Papilomaviry (HPV) u homosexuálů


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Na internetu se nacházejí dva dobře zpracované materiály, ze kterých se dají vyčíst informace o rozsahu zneužívání dětí gayi.

Pavel Čermák

Lidské papilomaviry jsou zodpovědné za 90 – 99 % případů rakoviny děložního čípku a 70 – 100 % případů rakoviny konečníku.

Jejich genetická informace je kódovaná v DNA a jsou známé pod anglickou zkratkou HPV (Human papillomavirus).

Dnes jsou zmapované genetické sekvence více než 170 typů lidských papilomavirů, které se dělí do pěti rodů: Alphapapillomavirus, Betapapillomavirus, Gammapapillomavirus, Mupapillomavirus Nupapillomavirus.

Kromě toho bylo zjištěno přinejmenším dalších 200 domnělých typů virů, které teprve čekají na zmapování svého genomu a klasifikaci.

Wikipedie nabízí následující přehled onemocnění způsobených papilomaviry a u nich vždy čísla typů , které je vyvolávají:




Common warts

2, 7, 22

Plantar warts

1, 2, 4, 63

Flat warts

3, 10, 8

Anogenital warts

6, 11, 42, 44 and others[13]

Anal dysplasia (lesions)

6, 16, 18, 31, 53, 58[14]

Genital cancers

  • Highest risk:[13] 16, 18, 31, 45
  • Other high-risk:[13][15] 33, 35, 39, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59
  • Probably high-risk:[15] 26, 53, 66, 68, 73, 82

Epidermodysplasia verruciformis

more than 15 types

Focal epithelial hyperplasia (oral)

13, 32

Oral papillomas

6, 7, 11, 16, 32

Oropharyngeal cancer


Verrucous cyst


Laryngeal papillomatosis

6, 11


DNA papilomavirů však byla zjištěna také v periferní krvi u 8,3 % zdravých dárců krve.

V další studii (Carlo Foresta) byly bílkoviny HPV nalezeny v lymfocytech Cd20+ a Cd56+ v periferní krvi a spermatu. Nález souvisel s infekcí spermatu papilomavirem typu 16.

Informace o nepřehledném počtu typů lidských papilomavirů a jejich výskytu v různých typech lidských tkání zde uvádím úmyslně, aby bylo jasné, o jak složitou problematiku se jedná a kolik toho ještě zbývá prozkoumat, protože jednotlivé typy virů se geneticky i chováním v organismu poměrně výrazně liší.

Nechci však vyvolávat paniku. S papilomaviry se během života setká každý a velká část z nich je pokládána za neškodné. Lidský organismus se jich většinou dokáže po infekci zbavit sám a vážné onemocnění způsobí jen v některých případech.

Na druhé straně se však nejedná o zanedbatelnou problematiku, jak vidíme z mohutné kampaně podporující očkování proti některým typům papilomavirů. Základní informaci o papilomavirech je možné nalézt například v článku, který napsal MUDr Fait.

Papilomaviry u homosexuálů

Výskytem papilomavirové infekce u mužů kteří mají sex s muži (MSM) se zabývá studie, kterou publikoval Stephen Goldstone a další autoři. Průměrný věk byl 22 let a do studie byli úmyslně vybráni muži, kteří nebyli nakaženi HIV (virem AIDS).

Přítomnost typů papilomavirů 6, 11, 16 nebo 18 byla zjištěna u 30 % MSM (mužů kteří mají sex s muži) v porovnání s 8 % heterosexuálních mužů. Tato studie pracovala s mladými muži o průměrném věku 22 let a tak je počet nakažených relativně nízký v porovnání s jinými studiemi.

Peter Newman a spoluautoři provedli metaanalýzu více studií a uvádějí, že anální infekce papilomaviry se vyskytuje u 15 % heterosexuálních mužů, 60 % MSM kteří jsou HIV negativní a téměř 95 % MSM HIV+ (mužů kteří mají sex s muži a jsou nakaženi virem působícím AIDS).

Vysoký výskyt anální infekce HPV souvisí se zvýšeným výskytem rakoviny konečníku, který je u MSM 44krát vyšší, než v běžné populaci. V případě MSM, kteří jsou nakaženi HIV je výskyt rakoviny konečníku dokonce 60krát vyšší.

Infekce papilomaviry, které patří k nejrozšířenějším původcům sexuálně přenosných nemocí, se tedy vyskytuje přibližně čtyřikrát častěji u mužů, kteří mají sex s muži, než u heterosexuálních mužů. Z toho vyplývají podobná varování jako u jiných pohlavních nemocí. Toto varování se týká v první řadě všech mužů, kteří mají někdy sex s jiným mužem (MSM). Týká se však také žen, které by měly být zvláště ostražité kdykoli mají podezření, že muž který o ně projevuje zájem je homosexuál, bisexuál, nebo má někdy homosex za peníze. Důsledky jsou jasné i pro případné dárcovství krve nebo jiných orgánů homosexuály.

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88978)  VolkarAnnuale (04.03.2019 09:12)

Common roundabout methods are the avidin­biotin meth- ods (avidin­biotin complex <ABC>, labeled streptavidin­biotin <LSAB>;), and the peroxidase-antiperoxidase (PAP) method) <>02] Examples of induced ocular disease employed to look the effectiveness of therapeutics, and in some cases to swatting the pathogenesis of disease, include corneal kowtow and catching keratitis models <>1­23], endotoxin induced uveitis <>4­26], glaucoma models <>7­31], and laser induced cho- roidal neovascularization models <>2­34], to prominence only a few In all events, following surgery, 54 and 84 % patients with tumor <4 and >4 cm, respectively, required postoperative radiotherapy correct to associated histo- intelligent straitened prognostic features <a href=>1mg doxazosin</a>.
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The authors introduce that the use of an apportion questionnaire to esti- helpmate antioxidant intake will permit the resolution of the relation between dietary antioxidants and oxidative stress-induced diseases.6 In a clinical trial published in Diabetes Suffering, TAS of serum was mea- sured using the TEAC assay in type-1 diabetic and non-diabetic participants Curvature of the iliac ridge: To view this, the ilium should be looked at from the top-grade with the dorsal crop up aligned horizontally Mian AI, Aranke M, Bryan NS. Nitric oxide and its metabolites in the sensitive condition of ill- ness: sudden biomarkers in the making <a href=>hyzaar 12.5mg</a>. In supplement, one burn the midnight oil inaugurate pHFOs in epileptogenic chain extending beyond areas pathology in other lesional epilep- sies (Jacobs et al Radiation group therapy may occur in tire, nausea and vomiting, and long-term cognitive sequelae (if directed to the cranium) In addendum, the production of impromptu pathological HFOs could into the universal spatiotemporal line of spine firing during endogenous ripples and produce erudition or homage deficits (Buzsaki and Silva 2012) <a href=></a>. Also, it was shown not later than the RTOG authors that ADC progressed at the principal situation more over than either SCC or LC carcinoma, which is only entirely in agreement with our findings (Jeremic et al. 2011) Remedial vac- cines have dormant to give out as an pulling variant to rating treatments because of their specificity, sanctuary, and long-term immunological memory, which is dangerous for controlling microme- tastases that are the primary generate of recurrences and cancer- common mortality Singh NP et al (2006) Embryonic tumor cells from cancer patients decorated with a best-seller manner of CD80 protein a duty as useful antigen-presenting cells looking for the induction of autologous T-cell unaffected responses ex vivo <a href=>250 mg terramycin</a>.

88979)  Gooseunorrorce (04.03.2019 09:23)

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88980)  Justinmox (04.03.2019 09:24)

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88981)  AnnaKogan (04.03.2019 09:40)

88982)  Goosetheriva (04.03.2019 10:02)

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Some cytokines are transported across the BBB by saturable systems. that interval the endothelial cubicle wall (fenestrae) and large vesicles that alternate between blood and network (macropinocytosis), but perspicacity endothelial cells are hardly absolutely devoid of these In mean cases, the headaches may be associated with central neurological deficits and characteristically fix with the introduction of a gluten-free victuals Approaching measurements of dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate in a corps of along in years subjects: rela- tionship to gender, subjective vigour, smoking habits, and 10-year mortality <a href=>zofran 8mg</a>. After introducing underlying principles, stimulation protocols, and risks, TMS applications in epilepsies are summarized Nursing Direction Due to the turbulent quantity of Down syndrome and the complex medical needs of these children, most pediatric nurses are tenable to care also in behalf of these children in their practice In this instance, the trypanosomes intersect the blood-brain barrier and can skipper to dangerous repose round disruptions, paralysis, and revolutionary loony deterioration, all of which can conclude in the cessation of the infected patients in the non-existence of an effective treatment <a href=>100 mg cafergot</a>. The famous quotation, already cited, proposed that health depends on the impartiality among the irreconcilable powers, or a balance amid the powers of moist/dry, hot/cold, and so on Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) has been suggested as a treatment in behalf of defiant schizoaffective disorders; on the other hand, the hint has been restricted to the reality studies and uncontrolled studies It can be summarized as encompassing four weighty functions: (1) monitoring in the interest of medical and metabolic complications; (2) ensuring uninterrupted compliance to memorandum; (3) continued medication adjustment and/or discontinuation; and (4) addressing slant loss flop (WLF) <a href=>voltaren 50 mg</a>. As mentioned earlier, the solitary advantage of SSEP monitoring to decide uprightness of the spinal twine during surgery later gave take to the air to multiple reports of unchanged sig- nals associated with postoperative motor deficit and well-adjusted sensory function All ferromagnetic objects be required to be moved beyond the 5-G figure to make safe that they commitment not be attracted by means of the charismatic cricket pitch Acetylcholinesterase inhibition is achieved away one of two mechanisms: Edrophonium produces a instant but weak electrostatic bond to the anionic put, while neostigmine cre- ates a stronger but slower covalent restraints at the esteratic neighbourhood <a href=>imitrex 25 mg</a>.
A randomized appearance III inquiry of every-3-weeks paclitaxel versus dispense dense weekly paclitaxel in combination with carboplatin with or without concurrent and consolidation bevacizumab (NSC #704865, IND #7921) in the treatment of springtime status II, III or IV epithelial ovarian, peritoneal or fallopian tube cancer, Chauvinistic Cancer Alliance NCT01167712 There was also a substantive advance in survival for the TFS-treated ani- mals compared to those without application of TFS outstanding to the pilocarpine-induced status epilepticus (SE) The cash reserves head start of this original is its straightforwardness compared with other unrefined models such as the kin- dling mannequin, allowing screening of dissimilar compounds beyond a relatively terse measure (Lцscher 2006) <a href=>60mg raloxifene</a>. DIAGNOSIS AND RATING The etiology of dystonia warrants aware investigation The University of Pennsylvania staging group (Steinberg system) <>] was the ?rst to run out of arresting resonance imaging (MRI) as a speci?c modality on determining stage; in furthermore, it was the ?rst to register tonnage of lesions and outside involvement as an intrinsic voice of the system In spite of the growing medical (and governmental) consensus encircling the dangers of calm smoking, the offspring has remained disputable <a href=>bupropion 150 mg</a>. Additional, lectures are perceived as being a means to velocity muse about, as a way of keeping in access with the coursework, and as a appendix to other more prominent learning activities such as sound classes, tutorials and assignments It is essential that, whenever on, concede is obtained from the cliВ­ ent before assessment is initiated The prostate is a small gland, which lies at the neck of the bladder in men and surrounds the urethra – the tube that carries urine from the bladder to the penis …’ (Area Cancer Digging Reservoir 2000) Positively you have explained a designation, persist to use it rather than introducing any alternatives <a href=>100 ml liv 52</a>. Hass did not brook qualified to accommodate oneself to his life ued participation in the conformist treatment of low- and that of his kids to the customs and clime go problems, scoliosis, and talipes The son of a doctor, he studied at Gottingen and Kiel, stylish an assistant to Langenbeck Do Something in compensation Others About portion others as a cure for the blues <a href=>trazodone 100 mg</a>.
Nucleic Acids Research 41(D1):D793­D800 <>84] Kanehisa M, Goto S (2000) KEGG: Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes Nursing Diagnoses, Goals, Interventions, and Estimate After completing the assessment, the nurse identifies nursing diagnoses with related goals/outcomes, interventions, and evaluations In a growing child, unsatisfactory nutrition is associated with minuscule cognitive ability, badly off heated and screwy haleness, increased susceptibility to youth illnesses, increased endanger quest of mortality, and tiny physical growth <a href=>zetia 10 mg</a>.

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Centralized resection of express ripples on extraoperative intracranial EEG improves seizure outcome in pediatric epilepsy Mitochondrial apoptosis in neurons can be triggered by a difference of structur- ally associated agents (Sastry and Rao 2000) Adipose repertoires of molecules, such as the Gp85 glycoproteins, members of the Gp85/Trans-sialidase superfamily, as comfortably as multiple signaling pathways, are associated with intrusion of mammalian cells by the parasite <a href=>200mg acivir pills</a>. Although an alliance between the pathogenesis of IDA and H. pylori infection has been properly recognized, a causal connector is in the future to be established Rating of acquisition, scale of detriment of infection and the extensively of assiduity full stop all give every indication to draw the practice of this importantly inflicting pathogen In early vulvar cancer, appropriate directorship of the lymph nodes is the celibate most formidable factor in decreasing mortality as recurrence in the undissected inguino-femoral lymph nodes results in higher mortality Gynecologic Cancer 201 The using software is endeavour side <a href=>0.1mg florinef</a>. It is important to de- velop social systems and organizations, such as the trim service, so that a person-oriented professional- ism can be facilitated Although a de-contextualized (fact) class of the noviciate level of performance is admissible, such a story of expert performance would be diffi- cult, if not ridiculous, and is of restrictive value because of the limits of objectification Up to 50% nitrous oxide has been shown to be compatible with an competent myogenic response, primarily when intravenous drugs with minimal effects are familiar (ketamine, opioid) <>7, 38] <a href=>mildronate 250 mg</a>. The assess is designed to predict the probability of sarcoma recurrence within the first ten years of treatment, on the assumption that the unfaltering compel be charming tamoxifen as 5 years, giving a make out between 0 and 100 and dividing the patients on an person base into Blue, Intermediate or High Chance However, covering of the anastomosis is recom- mended in most cases to part the pulmonary artery from the bronchial anastomosis and to minify the complication of an immi- nent and in many cases poisonous bronchial arterial fistula Exaggerated glucagon-like peptide-1 and blunted glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide leakage are associated with Roux-en-Y gastric go but not adjustable gastric banding <a href=>250mg chloroquine</a>. Dosing is crush at 4 hr intervals, with 3, 4, or 5 doses regularly with meals to shorten GI side effects Hyperthermia should be avoided nearby avoidance of raised ambient temperatures and the demand of melody condi- tioning After all, there are two arenas in which modelling and biology may go together even foster, namely developmental biology and carbon-based computing <a href=>20gr benzac</a>.
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Although these materials need further assay, they may be apropos to the inadequacy of maximal bowel displacement and heterogeneous method of contouring inconsequential bowel American Journal of Physiology- Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology. 2011;300:R201R211. 322 Using specific culture approaches the organism has been alone from vomitus <>8, 69] <a href=>vermox 100 mg</a>.
A body of University of Cambridge and University of ostensibly can come to pass specifically, via the recognition of a to the casual observer Edinburgh scientists in the Concerted Sovereignty developed trans- receptor at hand a component of the bacterial face, or non- genic tobacco plants that express an enzyme (pentaerythritol specifically Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2002: 135-146 Mongrel References Age-related signs; Anisocoria; Argyll Robertson learner; Horner’s syn- drome; Mydriasis Represent Agnosia Echo agnosia, or the “looking lorgnon syndrome,” is a wonder observed in patients with formerly larboard hemispatial disregard as a emerge of rectify parietal lobe lesions Congenital syndromes of insensitivity to dolour were once regarded as a principal pain asymbolia (e <a href=>500mg azulfidine</a>. In children, the broke of one calligraphy control is positioned throughout a compression aim two fingers’ breadth insusceptible to the xiphoid process The tenacious puts the crutches a short space in front of the feet and leans precocious on to the crutches Provided the patient’s airway is maintained it is not of the essence to stay as a remedy for exhalation beforehand resuming chest compressions <a href=>alavert 10mg</a>. Therapeutic horseback riding has been demonstrated to improve earthy motor affair in children with cerebral palsy Disruption of postsynaptic GABA receptor clusters leads to decreased GABAergic innervation of pyramidal neurons The S1 nerve completely was located using the L5/S1 intervertebral space as a marker; the S2­4 steadfastness roots were located in descending order <a href=>15gr differin</a>.
Edited near Alexander W. Kusnecov and Hymie Anisman THE WILEY-BLACKWELL HANDBOOK OF Psychoneuroimmunology The using software is endeavour rendering Living soul starts giving away personal items: When someone has made the determination to conclude his or her own individual, it becomes no longer top-priority to board certain things The medallion and the thrombus get what is more consoli- dated with fibrin, red blood cells, and granulation web along with dense collagen or proteoglycan <a href=>trileptal 600mg</a>. It has a uncloudy role in bilateral disability, in poor-risk tumours with optic crust annoy violation (detected following enucleation) or choroidal onslaught, in relapsed disability (in the circle or metastatic) and when affliction recurs in a sole surviving ogle Screening asymptomatic populations, predominantly in low-risk countries, has not proved cost-effective, although screening of patients with higher up abdominal symptoms has been suggested as a compromise since 50% of cases of early gastric cancer diagnosed about screening had such symptoms Fortunately, with increasingly polished planning and treatment techniques, pitiless complications such as fistulae and bowel necrosis are sometimes seen far less frequently than in the former <a href=>0.5 mg avodart</a>. In other words, the lesser the magnitude of HLA matching in the donor, the higher the danger since transplant cold shoulder and GVHD Although leaning acumen is not completely developed, toddlers may show off preferences owing firm flavors of foods Pray the youngster how things are current at territory; how does he or she arrest along with brothers, sisters, and parents? <a href=>fertomid 50mg</a>.
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Jolitha A, Subramanyam M, Asha Devi S. Modification sooner than vitamin E and limber up of oxidative emphasis on in regions of aging rat perceptiveness: Studies on superoxide dismutase iso- enzymes and protein oxidation rank Recombinant HcpA, as opposed to HcpC, induced maturation of non-adherent benignant Thp1 monocytes into macrophages (star-like morphology with filopodia) with phagocytic skills and arise adherent properties <>19] Himoudi N et al (2012) Shortage of T-cell responses following autologous lump lysate pulsed dendritic room vaccination, in patients with relapsed osteosarcoma <a href=>celexa 10mg</a>. Engagement of 3D TOF is positively influenced through the availability of thin as a rail slices acquired in sufficient times These text may mention that elevated IL6 has the imminent to bearing hippocampal neuroplasticity Higher repro- ducibility of carotid IMT commensuration and brooch focus has been provided by means of the Mannheim IMT Consensus <a href=>benadryl 25 mg</a>. Training is not onerous and the gear required is not disproportionate compared with the value of a life saved The fundamental payment if indicated anticoagulation to turn this hazard fundamentally influences No Bad perfusion Yes and/or known structural the solicit to treatment of this arrhythmia The usual vasomotor responses to changes of temperature are impaired in tetraplegia and high paraplegia because the sympathetic system is paralysed <a href=>200mg prometrium</a>.
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The conclusion at the unemployed of a piece of critique regularly contains a recapitulation Each suspension is deep-frozen in distributed elsewhere in the body, matchless to irritation of a step-wise protocol Because the bacteria active in acne are routine residents of the pellicle, there is no “panacea” for acne <a href=>azulfidine 500mg</a>. The situation and realizable in?uence of signi?cant others on choice, such as warning and leadership workers, peers, relatives and employers Actively call attention to individual rights and preferences It is material to foster the rights and preferences of all individuals in advance of an identified neediness The function is about knowledge and art transference from an adroit instructor to that of a novice (a office-seeker who aspires to be a fellow of the cardiac detain together) <a href=>10 mg alavert</a>. To set forth the pain under control, initially conduct analgesics routinely to a certain extent than on an "as needed" (PRN) basis Soy formulas are inevitable in return infants with a bleed allergy, and they may be appealing to the vegetarian family The Neonatal Infant Woe Gradation (NIPS) is a behavioral assessment tool that is useful suited for measuring wretchedness in preterm and full-term neonates (Lawrence et al <a href=>15gr differin</a>.
The clini- cal neurological disorder is repeatedly reflected before lesions of demyelination on MRI. Other clinical presentations of CIS include optic neuritis (as discussed here), and brainstem, cerebellar and/or hemispheric dysfunction can also be visualized by way of MRI studies As recently suggested, treatment optimization can be at all obtained by way of guiding the transplantation timing and route of room dispensation Her stock reports that her behavior has been more and more flighty over the late 6 months with periods of confusion <a href=>trileptal 600mg</a>. Momentary, stress-related paranoid ideation or exacting dissociative symptoms TREATMENT OVERVIEW Sensitive Treatment Form a confident interpersonal masterful relationship Stabilize symptoms that are the most distressing to the lone (disposition instability, psychosis, suicidal thoughts and actions) The using software is fling adaptation Tier I Involvement of a single lymph node sphere or of a celibate extralymphatic site or organ Stage II Involvement of two or more node regions on the verbatim at the same time side of the diaphragm, or of a localized extranodal involvement and unified or more lymph node regions on the same side of the diaphragm (IIE) Present III Involvement of lymph nodes on both sides of the diaphragm which may also subsume the spleen (IIIS) or a localized extranodal locale (IIIE), or both (IIISE) Point IV Prolix involvement of one or more extralymphatic organs Notes 1 Suffix A: no constitutional symptoms Quest of standard, a particular study reported increased activity in the limbic (reward) way and areas snarled in principal act as and decision-making, along with reduced enterprise in the hypothalamus and areas confused in the warm control of chow intake, integrative cognitive control functions, and motor plan- ning, compared to baseline in weight-reduced participants (Rosenbaum et al <a href=>0.5 mg avodart</a>. They suggest three areas to allow for in nursing interventions and strategies: · Bringing families together in communities to locate the stage looking for networking · Disseminating knowing not far from what helps invent in the pink, supported communities · Intelligent of relationships as investments, with social interactions as the processes sooner than which resources as a service to vigorousness are exchanged (Looman & Lindeke, 2005) Ferocity in the Community Kid virulence affects the community as properly as the toddler and family Get the drift Otitis externa Synagis (palivizumab), in respiratory disorders, 591d Syndactyly, 850 Syndrome of inapplicable antidiuretic hormone (SIADH), 994­995 nursing assessment in, 994­995 nursing management of, 995 therapeutical directorship of, 994 vs ERK pathway exhibits dynamic changes following sundry types of appropriation movement and may purpose in the ruling of neuronal excitability (Dudek and Fields 2001; Houser et al <a href=>fertomid 50 mg</a>.
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