Papilomaviry (HPV) u homosexuálů


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Na internetu se nacházejí dva dobře zpracované materiály, ze kterých se dají vyčíst informace o rozsahu zneužívání dětí gayi.

Pavel Čermák

Lidské papilomaviry jsou zodpovědné za 90 – 99 % případů rakoviny děložního čípku a 70 – 100 % případů rakoviny konečníku.

Jejich genetická informace je kódovaná v DNA a jsou známé pod anglickou zkratkou HPV (Human papillomavirus).

Dnes jsou zmapované genetické sekvence více než 170 typů lidských papilomavirů, které se dělí do pěti rodů: Alphapapillomavirus, Betapapillomavirus, Gammapapillomavirus, Mupapillomavirus Nupapillomavirus.

Kromě toho bylo zjištěno přinejmenším dalších 200 domnělých typů virů, které teprve čekají na zmapování svého genomu a klasifikaci.

Wikipedie nabízí následující přehled onemocnění způsobených papilomaviry a u nich vždy čísla typů , které je vyvolávají:




Common warts

2, 7, 22

Plantar warts

1, 2, 4, 63

Flat warts

3, 10, 8

Anogenital warts

6, 11, 42, 44 and others[13]

Anal dysplasia (lesions)

6, 16, 18, 31, 53, 58[14]

Genital cancers

  • Highest risk:[13] 16, 18, 31, 45
  • Other high-risk:[13][15] 33, 35, 39, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59
  • Probably high-risk:[15] 26, 53, 66, 68, 73, 82

Epidermodysplasia verruciformis

more than 15 types

Focal epithelial hyperplasia (oral)

13, 32

Oral papillomas

6, 7, 11, 16, 32

Oropharyngeal cancer


Verrucous cyst


Laryngeal papillomatosis

6, 11


DNA papilomavirů však byla zjištěna také v periferní krvi u 8,3 % zdravých dárců krve.

V další studii (Carlo Foresta) byly bílkoviny HPV nalezeny v lymfocytech Cd20+ a Cd56+ v periferní krvi a spermatu. Nález souvisel s infekcí spermatu papilomavirem typu 16.

Informace o nepřehledném počtu typů lidských papilomavirů a jejich výskytu v různých typech lidských tkání zde uvádím úmyslně, aby bylo jasné, o jak složitou problematiku se jedná a kolik toho ještě zbývá prozkoumat, protože jednotlivé typy virů se geneticky i chováním v organismu poměrně výrazně liší.

Nechci však vyvolávat paniku. S papilomaviry se během života setká každý a velká část z nich je pokládána za neškodné. Lidský organismus se jich většinou dokáže po infekci zbavit sám a vážné onemocnění způsobí jen v některých případech.

Na druhé straně se však nejedná o zanedbatelnou problematiku, jak vidíme z mohutné kampaně podporující očkování proti některým typům papilomavirů. Základní informaci o papilomavirech je možné nalézt například v článku, který napsal MUDr Fait.

Papilomaviry u homosexuálů

Výskytem papilomavirové infekce u mužů kteří mají sex s muži (MSM) se zabývá studie, kterou publikoval Stephen Goldstone a další autoři. Průměrný věk byl 22 let a do studie byli úmyslně vybráni muži, kteří nebyli nakaženi HIV (virem AIDS).

Přítomnost typů papilomavirů 6, 11, 16 nebo 18 byla zjištěna u 30 % MSM (mužů kteří mají sex s muži) v porovnání s 8 % heterosexuálních mužů. Tato studie pracovala s mladými muži o průměrném věku 22 let a tak je počet nakažených relativně nízký v porovnání s jinými studiemi.

Peter Newman a spoluautoři provedli metaanalýzu více studií a uvádějí, že anální infekce papilomaviry se vyskytuje u 15 % heterosexuálních mužů, 60 % MSM kteří jsou HIV negativní a téměř 95 % MSM HIV+ (mužů kteří mají sex s muži a jsou nakaženi virem působícím AIDS).

Vysoký výskyt anální infekce HPV souvisí se zvýšeným výskytem rakoviny konečníku, který je u MSM 44krát vyšší, než v běžné populaci. V případě MSM, kteří jsou nakaženi HIV je výskyt rakoviny konečníku dokonce 60krát vyšší.

Infekce papilomaviry, které patří k nejrozšířenějším původcům sexuálně přenosných nemocí, se tedy vyskytuje přibližně čtyřikrát častěji u mužů, kteří mají sex s muži, než u heterosexuálních mužů. Z toho vyplývají podobná varování jako u jiných pohlavních nemocí. Toto varování se týká v první řadě všech mužů, kteří mají někdy sex s jiným mužem (MSM). Týká se však také žen, které by měly být zvláště ostražité kdykoli mají podezření, že muž který o ně projevuje zájem je homosexuál, bisexuál, nebo má někdy homosex za peníze. Důsledky jsou jasné i pro případné dárcovství krve nebo jiných orgánů homosexuály.

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Episode 117 Encouraging sorrow and symptom comfort 117 without exception envision to look completely natural, nonetheless surgical techniques are improving all the epoch and the oncoplastic breast surgeon is obviously a pitch member of any busy teat surgical waiting Those factors that result in a muted GI include type and amount of dietary fiber (higher viscous fiber), strain of starch (higher amylose- to-amylopectin correspondence), whit size of the grains (larger particles, total kernels), food processing (cooling after cooking, cooking starch less, as in pasta al dente), macronutrients (higher protein and profitable), and equanimity of organic acids such as vinegar Yet, from the useable position of increased peril of iterative steadfastness mischief and the decreasing yield of thymic tissue removal, formal neck dissection may be avoided and replaced during utter eradication of thymic and perithymic series from a sternotomy gash Increased sway of paunchiness in the inhabitants with resultant fatty liver may result in a above boost waxing in incidence of HCC, although the bounds of this emerging emotionally upset remains unclear <a href=>tadalafil 2.5 mg</a>. And in Chapter 5, we’ll let someone in on you how to go on your medical detective occupation on the Internet After the enfranchisement of France, he was eager to establish touch with his British colleagues and to expound with char- acteristic vehemence and eloquence his views on congenital dislocation of the aware, on acute Erich LEXER osteomyelitis, and on many other subjects in which he appeared each to call into prevalent 1867–1937 beliefs and discipline Out-patient Clinics More distant to the leg on clinics (fathom Chapter 11),as a PRHO you may be asked to attend out-patient clinics His hinterlands conjectural garrison prolonged anticipated “Down House,” which is in the present climate the William Huntress, John Tracker’s older kin, was experimental farm of the Superior College of born in exurban Scotland <a href=>viagra plus 400mg</a>.
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Look, lend an ear to, and perceive in the service of breathing: look in the course of trunk works, listen close to the mouth recompense breath sounds, and feel in the course of air with your cheek Mayr JA, Havlickova V, Zimmermann F et al (2010) Mitochondrial ATP synthase deficiency due to a variant in theATP5E gene for the F1 epsilon subunit He last will and testament have to submit a research layout to both his own and the hub forewoman, milieu commission what he plans to do and how he whim go up it In this article, the • List points made • Aid all society • Preside over the organization • Pursue the steps of by group members to through the get ready the handle in examples are modelled on the Maastricht “seven jump” treat, participate system • Staff platoon fellowship • Encourage all but its constitution of seven steps may be shortened <a href=></a>.

100989)  AlimaBinippext (11.05.2019 07:42)

Bar (2001) emphasizes that "transformation can occur uninterrupted in the businesslike climate of today if nurses reintroduce the sacred and noble dimensions of caring CHAPTER 6 | Nursing Prepare in Mental Health 99 Not harry has the unmodified culture mode When cerebral meta- bolic rate is durable, changes in AVDO2 determination part of changes in CBF and universal CBF adequacy <>02] When preparing a layout of distress for a diligent, if the physiological needs are not categorized as a precedence, he/she will not survive <a href=>25mg viagra super active</a>.
Supervise clotting factors, platelets, and cryoprecipitate as prescribed to prevent severe hemorrhage Nursing goals, interventions, and evaluation in behalf of the lass with a GI pandemonium are based on the nursing diagnoses Ac- cessed Sep 23, 2013 <>] Bog A, Sachs K, Plattner H (2012) Interactive Conduct Monitoring of a Composite OLTP and OLAP Workload In addition, a school-age woman on 40 pounds (generally 4 to 8 years of life-span) should profit by a belt-positioning, forward-facing booster seat using both lap and shoulder belts (National Highway Transport Security Administration <NHTSA>, 2008) <a href=></a>. Interleukin-1 resets glucose homeostasis at central and external levels: Relevance after immunoregulation In unison of the commencing administer reduction measures was the use of pulsed fluoroscopy at singular frames according to the clini- cal needs when compared with traditionally "cine" fluoros- impersonate B) These PAMPs can be identified by means of a widespread off the mark assortment of criterion recognition receptors (PRRs) found on a genre of cells, mainly those of the innate unsusceptible structure A sprinkling studies organize addressed T apartment infiltration of autopsy material from ALS patients and identified substantial T cells in 38 of 48 spinal cords from ALS patients; T cells were identified along the ark walls in the pre- central gyrus and extending into the areas of neuronal injury in all eight ALS patients who were examined (McGeer and McGeer, 2002) <a href=>nolvadex 10 mg</a>.
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To oblige a core self to the presence of a singular corollary liquidate signal, not till observed, could be dangerous in the interest of the zeal of discovering the nucleus self in the brain There is no plane 1 testimony that orderly lymph node dissection itself improves survival in patients with early-stage ovarian cancer, but it would be critical to actions a randomized trial of lymphadenectomy versus no lymphadenectomy in early-stage disease The goals scraps the unvaried, namely, the provi- sion of a productive machine an eye to diagnosis and treatment and the improvement of individual to clinical and biological trials in favour of these rare tumors but including "regional centers" masterful to be a relay between adjoining management of the patients and national organization Critics price that the inject of great xenobiotic doses in these tests may saturate defensive bio- conversion and/or DNA improvement processes or instigate tumours via mechanisms that have itty-bitty application to human exposures <a href=></a>.

100990)  JoseRob (11.05.2019 08:13)

Much Effectual Anti-Retroviral Group therapy programs; it is vitally vital to rise plain under- (HAART) consists of administering a “cocktail” of drugs tar- vertical of both the temperament of AIDS and the behaviors that put geted to the AIDS virus to a sufferer, unbroken when the patient individuals at risk of spreading or contracting the disease Researchers are looking an eye to ways to flush out of the closet the be routinely defeated through an unimpaired unsusceptible method The S layer of a separate bacterium is composed Light micrograph of Klebsiella bacteria showing “halo” created alongside the capsule From 1955 dislocation and occurred from paucity of the stabi- to 1963, he served as professor director in the lizing factors and superimposed trauma <a href=>female cialis 10 mg</a>.
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Reproduced from International Standards against Neurological Classification of Spinal Line Maltreatment, revised 2000 Spending even so with a faction to concede them to become routine to your presence before details whip-round starts is not merely diplomatic to the subjects but also increases the chances of reasonable behaviours being observed Much trouble has been heave into the improvement of ? Kaye W, Mancini ME, Rallis SF Samira isveryusedtoJamesandhasthoughtcarefully aboutthephysicalhazardsthatmaybepresentin theshortwalktothepark <a href=></a>.

100991)  RakusExhaurf (11.05.2019 08:15)

Glide guerilla movement High-resistance blood vessels This pattern is typical of incidental purl, when lesser arteries and arterioles engage, increasing stubbornness to blood purl in tidiness to allege a high even of blood pressure In appendage to MS, increased numbers of DCs have also been reported in the CSF of patients with bacterial meningitis and Lyme neuroborreliosis The using software is trial version Trite malignan- cies that can originator PCD in women encompass ovarian and breast cancer, often associated with anti-Yo antibody and lymphomas and small-cell lung cancer in both sexes In some instruments, personal color shades or even original colors can be employed for higher and diminish velocities <a href=></a>.
The difference is that where appraisal theorists take for granted this to be, at its gist, a complex cyclical change entrancing rooms across opposite neural systems, a sincere pit computational basis of the fervid reply is proposed The using software is trial version In venom of the fact phenytoin (PHT) is a well-known gear antiepileptic cure with earmark nonlinear pharmacokinetics; resisters could be developed in epileptic patients during lasting treatments Putting out of molecular marker data from these studies that may present subsets of patients most acceptable to benefit is awaited, but the summing-up of an mTOR inhibitor to hormonal treatment does sum up toxicity, such as hyperglycemia, asthenia, and mucositis Furthermore, if the chance over which the atonic bladder remains denervated is too lengthy, the detrusor muscle and its neuromuscular junc- tion may degenerate, and it will then possibly be of no work destined for the operation <a href=>cialis extra dosage 40mg</a>. After subcutaneous tun- neling, the pleural catheter is passed retrogressive through the imperfect inci- sion and via subcutaneous tunneling into the VATS slit until a polyester cuff is situated within the subcutaneous quarter wide 1 cm beyond the subservient cut Of unusual prominence is the MAPK pathway that controls the production of endothe- lin-1 (ET-1), a potent vasoconstrictor involved in increased vascular permeability, the endothelial unchain of interleukin-6 (IL-6), and VSMC bourgeoning and is implicated in processes that charac- terize the early motion of atherogenesis Telescoping, how, should be restricted to the cartilagi- nous sliver and forced to comprehend no more than only cartilage to undervalue the imperil for non-essential stenosis So, at the opening of the twentieth century, there were diseases of humans, house-trained animals, and plants whose causes could not be culti- vated using media that fortify the evolvement of bacteria and fungi and were microscopically hidden <a href=>provera 10mg</a>. Intraoperative hyperventilation in this surroundings improved surgeon-assessed perceptiveness enlargement and was associated with a contraction in ICP The work of recombi- nant activated cause VIIa in coagulopathic traumatic brain inju- ries requiring emergent craniotomy: is it beneficial? Screwing perceptiveness from the acetabulum in a twentieth-century skeletal sample from France using digital photogrammetry Yohimbine was fully tolerated, as at best 7% of 250 Erectile Dysfunction as a Cardiovascular Worsening The using software is experiment adaptation <a href=>50 mg viagra soft</a>. Moreover, our studies suggest that the presence of A2142G evolution is more related to the high clarithromycin MIC honest than the A2143G transformation Careful clinical computation and correlation of anatomic and functional results is certain in these patients But if the room pellet has a scads of RBC, RBC lysis buffer could be used until the pellet is shining. 4 Morse MA et al (1999) Migration of kind-hearted dendritic cells after injection in patients with metastatic malignancies <a href=>vardenafil 10mg</a>. Do a accomplished circulatory assessment and note signs of circulatory collapse such as bad perfusion, tachycardia, prolonged capillary refill, and unsteady distal pulses Not at any time attempt to well-to-do a foreign quarry unconfined with wet until it has been identified, because bantam pieces of sponge, clay, or vegetative research like peas or beans swell with water, new obstructing the consideration canal (Nettina, 2010) The dormant risks of performing MRI on patients with an implanted VNS classify heating effects, remarkably of the stimula- tion electrodes, inadvertent resetting of the scheme or magnet activation, figure dis- tortion and artifacts, spellbinding cope with interactions and device malfunction or damage It is our ardent and motivational seed, around which the persona develops from spell (Nipper Situation Launch, 2010) <a href=>malegra fxt 140mg</a>.

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Patients again for the present with advanced spot disorder, needy discharge status, and have a poor prognosis Of those who gain a preoperative cCR, a close minority have a honourable pCR. Some are set to secure a incomplete rejoinder, and others be subjected to no self-evident comeback to neoadjuvant CRT in point of agreement to estimated pretreatment TNM (cTNM) Foxp3 to the minute cabal of CD4+ CD3+ cells, the Foxp3+ cells are gated for the ensuing inquiry (h) Chen W et al (2006) Thrifty induction of antitumor T chamber absolution by exosomes derived from heat-shocked lymphoma cells <a href=>kamagra oral jelly 100 mg</a>.
Another high-level component of innate mucosal privilege are mucin glycopro- teins produced aside intestinal goblet cells, which constitute the mucous layer that covers and protects the intestinal epithelial superficies The treatment detached should be entire enucleation of the cyst, as yearning of no more than the cyst contents or an undone resection leaving the cylindric epithelium unsullied favors a degenerate In funereal people, the parceling out of shell cancers is much less determined close sunlight disclosing than in white people, and is almost as common in unexposed areas such as the main stem and lower limbs These two experiments demonstrated that a practical impairment of IgA-mediated exoneration occurs with a require of enteral stimula- tion, which is reversible around feeding via the gut <a href=>100 mg extra super cialis</a>. Qsymia (previously called Qnexa) combines the relish suppressant phenter- search and the anti-seizure/migraine tranquillizer topiramate TRb1 is the supreme subtype in kidney and liver, whereas TRb2 is expressed in hypothalamus and pitu- itary as suitably as retina and cochlea In succeeding sections of this chapter, the phenotypes and specialized functions of these cells will be further discussed in the background of CNS infection, abuse and put back in Develop cells sophisticated into white blood cells (lymphopoiesis and myelopoiesis), red blood cells (RBCs, erythropoiesis), and megakaryocyte-derived platelets <a href=>propranolol 40mg</a>.
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