Papilomaviry (HPV) u homosexuálů


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Na internetu se nacházejí dva dobře zpracované materiály, ze kterých se dají vyčíst informace o rozsahu zneužívání dětí gayi.

Pavel Čermák

Lidské papilomaviry jsou zodpovědné za 90 – 99 % případů rakoviny děložního čípku a 70 – 100 % případů rakoviny konečníku.

Jejich genetická informace je kódovaná v DNA a jsou známé pod anglickou zkratkou HPV (Human papillomavirus).

Dnes jsou zmapované genetické sekvence více než 170 typů lidských papilomavirů, které se dělí do pěti rodů: Alphapapillomavirus, Betapapillomavirus, Gammapapillomavirus, Mupapillomavirus Nupapillomavirus.

Kromě toho bylo zjištěno přinejmenším dalších 200 domnělých typů virů, které teprve čekají na zmapování svého genomu a klasifikaci.

Wikipedie nabízí následující přehled onemocnění způsobených papilomaviry a u nich vždy čísla typů , které je vyvolávají:




Common warts

2, 7, 22

Plantar warts

1, 2, 4, 63

Flat warts

3, 10, 8

Anogenital warts

6, 11, 42, 44 and others[13]

Anal dysplasia (lesions)

6, 16, 18, 31, 53, 58[14]

Genital cancers

  • Highest risk:[13] 16, 18, 31, 45
  • Other high-risk:[13][15] 33, 35, 39, 51, 52, 56, 58, 59
  • Probably high-risk:[15] 26, 53, 66, 68, 73, 82

Epidermodysplasia verruciformis

more than 15 types

Focal epithelial hyperplasia (oral)

13, 32

Oral papillomas

6, 7, 11, 16, 32

Oropharyngeal cancer


Verrucous cyst


Laryngeal papillomatosis

6, 11


DNA papilomavirů však byla zjištěna také v periferní krvi u 8,3 % zdravých dárců krve.

V další studii (Carlo Foresta) byly bílkoviny HPV nalezeny v lymfocytech Cd20+ a Cd56+ v periferní krvi a spermatu. Nález souvisel s infekcí spermatu papilomavirem typu 16.

Informace o nepřehledném počtu typů lidských papilomavirů a jejich výskytu v různých typech lidských tkání zde uvádím úmyslně, aby bylo jasné, o jak složitou problematiku se jedná a kolik toho ještě zbývá prozkoumat, protože jednotlivé typy virů se geneticky i chováním v organismu poměrně výrazně liší.

Nechci však vyvolávat paniku. S papilomaviry se během života setká každý a velká část z nich je pokládána za neškodné. Lidský organismus se jich většinou dokáže po infekci zbavit sám a vážné onemocnění způsobí jen v některých případech.

Na druhé straně se však nejedná o zanedbatelnou problematiku, jak vidíme z mohutné kampaně podporující očkování proti některým typům papilomavirů. Základní informaci o papilomavirech je možné nalézt například v článku, který napsal MUDr Fait.

Papilomaviry u homosexuálů

Výskytem papilomavirové infekce u mužů kteří mají sex s muži (MSM) se zabývá studie, kterou publikoval Stephen Goldstone a další autoři. Průměrný věk byl 22 let a do studie byli úmyslně vybráni muži, kteří nebyli nakaženi HIV (virem AIDS).

Přítomnost typů papilomavirů 6, 11, 16 nebo 18 byla zjištěna u 30 % MSM (mužů kteří mají sex s muži) v porovnání s 8 % heterosexuálních mužů. Tato studie pracovala s mladými muži o průměrném věku 22 let a tak je počet nakažených relativně nízký v porovnání s jinými studiemi.

Peter Newman a spoluautoři provedli metaanalýzu více studií a uvádějí, že anální infekce papilomaviry se vyskytuje u 15 % heterosexuálních mužů, 60 % MSM kteří jsou HIV negativní a téměř 95 % MSM HIV+ (mužů kteří mají sex s muži a jsou nakaženi virem působícím AIDS).

Vysoký výskyt anální infekce HPV souvisí se zvýšeným výskytem rakoviny konečníku, který je u MSM 44krát vyšší, než v běžné populaci. V případě MSM, kteří jsou nakaženi HIV je výskyt rakoviny konečníku dokonce 60krát vyšší.

Infekce papilomaviry, které patří k nejrozšířenějším původcům sexuálně přenosných nemocí, se tedy vyskytuje přibližně čtyřikrát častěji u mužů, kteří mají sex s muži, než u heterosexuálních mužů. Z toho vyplývají podobná varování jako u jiných pohlavních nemocí. Toto varování se týká v první řadě všech mužů, kteří mají někdy sex s jiným mužem (MSM). Týká se však také žen, které by měly být zvláště ostražité kdykoli mají podezření, že muž který o ně projevuje zájem je homosexuál, bisexuál, nebo má někdy homosex za peníze. Důsledky jsou jasné i pro případné dárcovství krve nebo jiných orgánů homosexuály.

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Belongings in this software
Thirdly, is an explanation of the items to consume to be able to balance one’s hormone and increase weight-loss. Fourthly, it has a set scheme that could accelerate natural expansion of hormone that increases weight loss. Fifthly, this program shows why it really is okay to drink bear and eat masculine foods like burger and pizza without fretting about physique and satisfaction.
Specfore Alpha includes the mindset and focus shifting strategies to immediately make one look, behave and think like an alpha male. Additionally, you will find there’s detailed video coaching regarding how to execute weight loss and body building.
furthermore, this program explains how to build functional strength to lift heavy loads as much as 9 times one’s body weight like special operational officers do. Finally, the program indicates what you are required to do in front of every workout to get maximum boost with the sex hormones in hours following workouts.
How a Program Works
Spectforce jacks male sex hormones which make one appear a dominant male. additionally, it makes a person to formulate strong upper limbs while not having to spend too much in time gym. Using proper figure out and nutrition principles buns fat ultimately causing lean muscles. Estrogen increases along with the testosterone shoots high. This will make someone to feel as if an Alpha male with physical changes far better sex urge.
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Pros with the Program
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– Spectforce Alpha has been employed to coach countless men in special forces operations. This too shows it’s a trusted product all over the world.
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– The detailed video coaching in Specforce Alpha may enable anyone to practice without difficulty.
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Specforce Alpha is therefore an exceptional and verified training system that can yield brings about the user.
Specforce is often a superior and different training program. The techniques within the program might help one to get the best male status. Due to guarantee, there’s nothing to loose.
The great news however is that, there are natural foods that really deal with aging and their only unwanted side effects do not harm us but instead are even more advantageous to our health and wellbeing than we’d expect.
Because effect, we shall discover the top 101 foods that fight aging and this will surprise you at just how we are able to possess some delicacies viewed being aging factors is the very foods to assist you in fighting against aging.
What is the product information on?
The creator of the program is but one Mike Geary. He is a licensed nutrition specialist as well as a personal trainer majoring in extra fat reduction strategies. Mike holds a Bachelor of Science degree in the Susquehanna University of Selinsgrove, PA. In addition to being a nutrition specialist and trainer, Mike is also an author. He may be the author of the internationally most popular online book Truth about Perfect Abdominals the actual # 1 abdominals ebook worldwide.
He or she is also the writer to the guide at the top 101 foods that fight aging. Geary has co-authored the book Body Fat Burning Kitchen: Your round-the-clock Diet transformation to generate one’s body a weight loss machine. As well as these publications, he has written and published several articles in several fitness websites worldwide and it is the contributing author to the Muscles &amp; Fitness Magazine as well as the Oxygen Magazine.
What influences program?
This program nis designed in this particular method that suits any schedule from the participants. It isn’t just an all workouts program however the nutrition portion of it is easily the most crucial. It is crucial as understand diets and nutrition ‘s what gears you to definitely achieve the required body, trimmed stomach and abs. This element of the program can be useful for the knowledge of nutrition.
The program can be very time saving as its workouts take at the least 20 minutes to at most 50 minutes that you should done 3-4 days a week. It’s not at all a scam or possibly a fallacy or one particular advertising and marketing strategies to get one to spend your hard earned money.
Advantages of the Program
The very best 101 foods that fight aging result in several advantages the next
В· It reduces aging naturally.
В· It protects the fitness of vital body organs because the heart and brain.
· It fixes how excess and raises the body’s rate of metabolism
В· It heals joints and eliminates joint side effects
· It assists in balancing the body’s hormones and protect the cell membranes.
В· Kills blood pressure.
В· Protect the skin from damage in the UV rays of the sun.
В· It can be useful for the control of blood glucose and ultimately help in fighting diabetes.
В· It fights inflammation of the joints.
Who is the Ideal Candidate for that product?
The product is great for anyone who wishes to lose weight naturally, gain that desirable tummy and abs. This program isn’t gender biased as it is for men and women once they have the right mindset for the whole program. it cuts across every age from teenagers to seniors who want to keep fit and lead a normal nutritional llifestyle not to mention slow up the maturing. It’s a merchandise that gradually moves in thre stages, the beginners, intermediate and advanced levels that anyone can easily experience. Take the chance as well as the results will amaze yoou.
Most men avoid the topic of penis size, yet most suffer the problem in fact it is the only purpose this procedure is made.
In line with the PE Bible, it will raise the length of penis approximately 1-4 inches with no use or utilization of drugs harmful to the body, extenders or even risky surgeries. The program will depend on desire from the author and as much as date, many experts have considered the very best and alternative treatment for men who wish to boost self-esteem while having sex by attaining much strong, long and powerful penis.
This program was created by, John Collins, who is a sex educator by profession. He was motivated by his personal experience with numerous other ineffective penis enlargement techniques on the internet. From frustrations of items that never helped him out his troubles, he decided to discover an affordable and safe approach to grow your penis. When the rope developed the simple natural procedures and documented them in a 94 page eBook to aid another man together with the problem.
Items in this software.
The PE Bible first explains that the penis for human is structurally created from three blood chambers. The 3 chambers have been demonstrated to experience a major and part in erection. The quantity of blood from the three chambers, determine the measurements of penis once it’s erect. If you wish to attain a greater penis naturally, you will want to target majorly about the three blood chambers.
From the first chapter of penis enlargement bible. the writer discusses erectile dysfunction, the need for increasing blood flow within the three chambers and the ways to trigger natural chemicals that help grow your penis. The second chapter talks regarding how to initiate the important process of penis growth. As you read about the same chapter two, you will notice the major role played by natural nutrients within the journey of penis growth.
Inside the same chapter, John talks of exercises that assist increase the flow of blood to your penis. The work outs are not difficult or those requiring special tools, you can actually perform them using bare hands. He clearly puts down the number of sets you need to perform per exercise daily possibly at what frequency you may need to perform the exercise. You have to read and master the processes and exercises in this part thoroughly. Lastly in this chapter, you’re shown on the best way to stop the process of growth if you achieve the required results without any harm.
Chapter three from the eBook discuss the matter of ejaculation problems. It offers several its causes and how you can stop or avoid it. Most men suffer the issue of premature ejaculation however they don’t know they actually do of course, if they understand, they just don’t know how to solve the problem. Within the fourth chapter, John Collins, explains to men how to increase the total number of semen they produce. He gives several tips that assists you improve the volume along with helping the distance you shoot. This really is important when trying to conceive.
Within the next chapter, which is five, he gives a summary of natural herbs giving the body nutrients needed for the expansion of penis. This chapter gets more interesting because he explains the nutrients each herb contain and health benefits it offers towards the body. In chapter six, john gives numerous health supplements that really help expand the penis. The past chapter, seven, is made from tables which you could reference and obtain more info on penis enlargement.
Penis enlargement Bible is situated on mechanical and biochemical processes. The mechanical processes include physical workouts and exercises that help initiate and actualize the whole process of penis growth.
The biochemical processes include techniques that reactivate the psychological conditions needed for the penile growth.
The operation is ideal for men with reduced penis, and will allow you to handle premature ejaculation as well as increasing number of semen.
Pros of Penis Enlargement Bible.
В· The procedures used are extremely natural, therefore, the attained results are permanent.
В· The explained techniques caved the novel, do not simply assist the penis size, but in addition increase the general romantic endeavors. By studying the procedure, it is possible to control ejaculation, solve erectile dysfunctions hence gaining more stamina at the conclusion of the morning.
· This software enables you improve the circumference and length of one’s penis.
В· No negative effects from the program, that is given it consists of very natural techniques and techniques.
Will the product work?
The answer is yes. The system is not scam and is proven to work by over 5000 men. This doesn’t promise overnight growth as much products do, but with patience and discipline the product will eventually work. Yes the procedure might take some time, but it’ll eventually grow. The product or service continues to be sold for over 5 years as well as a positive response from about 95% users is seen. That is therefore a great prove who’s works.
The customized fat loss program is what suggested by its name it is just a fully customizable nutrition plan, depending on different physiques. This plan is in help of quick, safe, and simple fat loss.
The plan is founded on the perception that generic weight loss programs aren’t specifically designed for individual people, but overweight groups generally speaking.
Who’s the article authorOrInventor?
The article author and creator of Customized Fat Reduction, Kyle Leon is often a certified nutritionist, health expert, fitness trainer and fitness model. Years of research and nutritional expertize is required inside the program.
What exactly is In the Program?
Customized Weight Loss Online Software, which is instantly downloadable after payment
An e-guide “Peak within a Week”, the week-long program to change yourself for special events wearing something skimpy say for example a swimsuit and turn heads.
An e-guide on supplementation
An e-guide on exercise and training, step-by-step, for twelve weeks
Unlimited online upgrades for lifetime
Custom Transformation tracking Program
How do you use it?
The program is dependant on a nutrition plan customizable to match specific body types. Kyle uses the six different physical structure of people, explaining the several physical structure individually. The idea of this system is Somato-Specific Nutrition, that is what we should would call physique. Although physical stature diets and nutritional plans aren’t a whole new concept, this place is unique.
Who is the Ideal Candidate to the Product?
The best feature with this program is hard to mainly because it has many, but surely just about the most worthy is the fact that absolutely anybody and everyone can use this program.
Any sex, ages young and old, regardless of amount of weight you intend to lose, you are included as somebody who will manage to benefit as a result. The fact it can be customizable may be the main feature and both meals and work outs are customized to match the any body type. Typically you will discover similar programs, however every single one of the will be based on on three physique. In the program Kyle explains exactly how to choose your system type, if you glance at the below physiques yet still are certainly not quite sure how which usually one you truly are. Kyle Leon’s program utilizes six body types and are one particular. They may be:
1. Ectomorph – very skinny physical structure with narrow hips and shoulders and thin arms. They will struggle to put on weight or muscle.
2. Endomorph – soft bodies, which are inclined to excess weight.
3. Mesomorph – these physique easily gain muscle and often have narrow hips, but muscular shoulders, arms and calves.
4. Ecto – Mesomorph – this is a blend of two physique, mainly he can be an Ectomorph together with the soft body vulnerable to fat gain, but with Mesomorphic traits.
The customizability will assist you to reduce weight faster.
It is online based software, enabling you instant access when you are coupled to the internet.
Kyle Leon is really a nutritionist with an established record and contains helped many individuals successfully in their fat loss struggles.
The software is user-friendly and will be offering various options so that you can choose between.
You are able to find the food you need and also crafting meals according to your preference.
Should you be unsatisfied using the program, you can aquire an entire refund within 60 days.
The product or service can often be unusable because of a volatile backend infrastructure and unresponsive support team.
People with medical ailments, will dsicover the program not flexible enough, although that is the situation with all diet and weight loss diet plans.
Will the Product Work?
The Customized Weight-loss program has more advantages than another current program, allowing you full treatments for weight loss. You develop your meals based on the body type suitable for your unique frame.
This is the strongly suggested program and any individual has the ability to achieve serious weight and fat reduction. It is different from other programs and it’s also clear that Kyle Leon has been doing his research as it contains quality useful information. When you put money into the program having its affordable?
The answer is easy, when you look at this honest and unbiased review, you can get this product confidently.
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