Srdce gayů by se měla pálit (někdy)


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Zákon nabídky a poptávky a podíl gayů na zneužívání dětí

Na internetu se nacházejí dva dobře zpracované materiály, ze kterých se dají vyčíst informace o rozsahu zneužívání dětí gayi.


Autor: Pavel Čermák

Zástupce generálního ředitele ruské státní televizní a rádiové společnosti VGTRK Kiselev si dovolil v roce 2012 prohlásit:

„Myslím si, že nestačí uzákonit pokuty gayům za homosexuální propagandu mezi teenagery. Mělo by jím být zakázáno darovat krev a semeno. A jejich srdce by v případě automobilové havárie mělo být pohřbeno do země, nebo spáleno, jako nevhodné pro záchranu života.“

Po tomto výroku se v západních masmédiích strhl velký pokřik a kdosi si dokonce dal práci vyhotovit karikaturu s nadpisem: Dmitri Kiselev požírá srdce gayů.

Pohlavní nemoci 01

Tito horliví „humanisté“ však nepostřehli, nebo se tomu záměrně vyhýbají, že omezení, která Kiselev navrhl, existují ve většině západních zemí. V následující tabulce je ve druhém sloupci zleva (deferral for MSM) uvedeno, jak dlouho od posledního sexu s mužem nesmí MSM (muži, kteří mají sex s muži) darovat krev. Indefinite znamená, že nikdy, samozřejmě za předpokladu že pravidla nebudou změněna. No ban znamená, že v této zemi takový zákaz není. Ve třetím sloupci zleva je omezení pro ženy, které měly sex s MSM.

Country Deferral for MSM Deferral for female
sex partners of MSM
Algeria Indefinite

Argentina 1 year
Australia 1 year 1 year [9]
Austria Indefinite
Belgium Indefinite
Brazil 1 year

Canada 5 years 1 year [12]
Chile No ban
Croatia Indefinite
Czech Republic 1 year 1 year [15]
Denmark Indefinite

Estonia Indefinite

Finland Indefinite

France Indefinite

Germany Indefinite
Greece Indefinite

Hong Kong Indefinite
Hungary 1 year
Iceland Indefinite

Ireland Indefinite

Israel Indefinite B
Italy No ban
Japan 1 year
Malta Indefinite

Mexico No ban
Netherlands Indefinite
New Zealand 5 years 1 year [7][21]
Norway Indefinite

Poland No ban A
Portugal Indefinite

Philippines Indefinite

South Africa 6 months
Slovenia Indefinite
Spain No ban
Sweden 1 year
Switzerland Indefinite

Thailand Indefinite
Turkey Indefinite

United Kingdom 1 year
United States Indefinite B 1 year [7]
Uruguay No ban
Venezuela Indefinite C No ban


Z přehledu na první pohled vyplývá, že převažuje časově neomezený zákaz.  Některé země, jako Austrálie nebo Česká republika mají omezení po dobu jednoho roku i pro ženy, které měly sex s MSM.

Pokud jde o srdce gayů, které si novináři vytáhli do titulků, tak tam je samozřejmě třeba poněkud hlouběji diferencovat. Obecně lze říci, že orgánů vhodných k transplantacím je velký nedostatek a spousty lidí na ně zoufale čekají. Jejich cena, pokud se dá vyčíslit v penězích, je vysoká. Za těchto okolností se vyplatí provést i nákladná vyšetření na široké spektrum virů a dalších patogenů, aby se zjistilo, zda byl rizikový dárce, gay, zdravý. Lékaři i sám pacient musí zvážit, zda je podstupované riziko přiměřené s ohledem na to, že vhodný dárce se nemusí znovu objevit po celá léta. To riziko je samozřejmě velké i s ohledem na to, že po transplantaci je nutné potlačovat imunitu příjemce, aby se nerozvinula imunitní reakce proti transplantovanému orgánu. Za této situace může být smrtící i virus, se kterým by se zdravý organismus sám vypořádal.

Rusko zrušilo zákaz dárcovství krve po velké kampani homosexuálních aktivistů v roce 2008 a v současnosti tak patří k málu zemí, které neomezují dárcovství na základě samotného sexu mezi muži. To však neznamená, že by lékaři zemí jako Rusko, Polsko nebo Itálie byli lhostejní k ochraně pacientů před pohlavními i jinými infekčními nemocemi. Tyto země přijímají dárce na základě hodnocení rizikovosti jejich sexuálního života. Avšak ani tímto způsobem se nelze vyhnout rozlišování mezi heterosexuálními a homosexuálními dárci, jak se LGBT aktivisté snaží prosadit. Vzhledem k mnohonásobně většímu rozšíření pohlavních nemocí v komunitách gayů lze homosexuální styk s jedním mužem přirovnat rizikem nakažení k heterosexuálnímu styku s padesáti i více ženami. A tato rizikovost musí být ve směrnicích pro dárce jasně definována, ať se to někomu líbí nebo ne. S lidskými životy nelze hazardovat v zájmu nějaké nepodložené, dobové ideologie, ať už je to homosexualismus, egalitářství, hedonismus nebo cokoli jiného. Lékaři jsou však naštěstí zodpovědní a navíc pod hrozbou žalob ze strany pacientů, takže zatím dokázali náporu homosexuální lobby vzdorovat.

Zástupce ředitele VGTRK Kiselev tedy nepožadoval nic jiného, než návrat ke standardu většiny západních zemí.

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46824)  Thomasber (24.09.2024 07:11)

Beirut, Lebanon

A deadly Israeli airstrike on Hezbollah’s stronghold in southern Beirut on Friday has left over a dozen people dead, including a high-ranking Hezbollah commander, sharply escalating the conflict between the two sides and raising fears of all-out war.
<a href=></a>
Senior Hezbollah commander Ibrahim Aqil, part of Hezbollah’s elite Radwan Force, was assassinated along with “about 10” other commanders, Israel Defense Forces (IDF) spokesperson Daniel Hagari said, accusing them of planning to raid and occupy communities in Galilee in northern Israel.

Hezbollah confirmed Aqil’s death on Friday, saying he was killed “following a treacherous Israeli assassination operation on 09/20/2024 in the southern suburbs of Beirut.”

According to Hagari, the targeted commanders were “underground underneath a residential building in the heart of the Dahiyeh neighborhood, using civilians as a human shield” at the time of the attack.

Lebanon’s health ministry said at least 14 people were killed and 66 others injured in the airstrike, which leveled a multistory building in a densely populated neighborhood.

Aqil had a $7 million bounty on his head from the United States for his suspected involvement in the 1983 strike on the US Embassy in Beirut, which killed 63 people, as well as the bombing of the Beirut Marine barracks, which killed 241 US personnel later that year.

A CNN team on the ground in Beirut saw a frantic effort to rescue people from underneath the rubble and rush the wounded to hospital. Witnesses said nearby buildings shook for nearly half an hour after the strike, which the IDF said it had carried out at around 4 p.m. local time.
A week of surprise attacks
Friday’s strike marked the fourth consecutive day of surprise attacks on Beirut and other sites across the country, even as Israeli forces continued deadly strikes and operations in Gaza and the occupied West Bank.

The first major attack against Hezbollah this week came Tuesday afternoon when pagers belonging to the militant groups’ members exploded near-simultaneously. The pagers had been used by Hezbollah to communicate after the group’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah, encouraged members to switch to low-tech devices to prevent more of them from being assassinated.

Almost exactly 24 hours later, Lebanon was rocked by a second wave of explosions, after Hezbollah walkie-talkies detonated in Beirut and the south of the country on Wednesday.

At least 37 people were killed, including some children, and more than 3,000 were injured in the twin attacks.

In a United Nations Security Council meeting on Friday, UN human rights chief Volker Turk on Friday warned that the detonation of communication devices could violate international human rights law.

Lebanese Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib and Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon clashed at the heated meeting, with Bou Habib calling on the council to condemn Israel’s actions and Danon slamming the Lebanese envoy for not mentioning Hezbollah.

46825)  RichardSeisk (24.09.2024 07:11)

Beirut, Lebanon

A deadly Israeli airstrike on Hezbollah’s stronghold in southern Beirut on Friday has left over a dozen people dead, including a high-ranking Hezbollah commander, sharply escalating the conflict between the two sides and raising fears of all-out war.
<a href=></a>
Senior Hezbollah commander Ibrahim Aqil, part of Hezbollah’s elite Radwan Force, was assassinated along with “about 10” other commanders, Israel Defense Forces (IDF) spokesperson Daniel Hagari said, accusing them of planning to raid and occupy communities in Galilee in northern Israel.

Hezbollah confirmed Aqil’s death on Friday, saying he was killed “following a treacherous Israeli assassination operation on 09/20/2024 in the southern suburbs of Beirut.”

According to Hagari, the targeted commanders were “underground underneath a residential building in the heart of the Dahiyeh neighborhood, using civilians as a human shield” at the time of the attack.

Lebanon’s health ministry said at least 14 people were killed and 66 others injured in the airstrike, which leveled a multistory building in a densely populated neighborhood.

Aqil had a $7 million bounty on his head from the United States for his suspected involvement in the 1983 strike on the US Embassy in Beirut, which killed 63 people, as well as the bombing of the Beirut Marine barracks, which killed 241 US personnel later that year.

A CNN team on the ground in Beirut saw a frantic effort to rescue people from underneath the rubble and rush the wounded to hospital. Witnesses said nearby buildings shook for nearly half an hour after the strike, which the IDF said it had carried out at around 4 p.m. local time.
A week of surprise attacks
Friday’s strike marked the fourth consecutive day of surprise attacks on Beirut and other sites across the country, even as Israeli forces continued deadly strikes and operations in Gaza and the occupied West Bank.

The first major attack against Hezbollah this week came Tuesday afternoon when pagers belonging to the militant groups’ members exploded near-simultaneously. The pagers had been used by Hezbollah to communicate after the group’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah, encouraged members to switch to low-tech devices to prevent more of them from being assassinated.

Almost exactly 24 hours later, Lebanon was rocked by a second wave of explosions, after Hezbollah walkie-talkies detonated in Beirut and the south of the country on Wednesday.

At least 37 people were killed, including some children, and more than 3,000 were injured in the twin attacks.

In a United Nations Security Council meeting on Friday, UN human rights chief Volker Turk on Friday warned that the detonation of communication devices could violate international human rights law.

Lebanese Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib and Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon clashed at the heated meeting, with Bou Habib calling on the council to condemn Israel’s actions and Danon slamming the Lebanese envoy for not mentioning Hezbollah.

46826)  Randyruics (24.09.2024 07:29)

Beirut, Lebanon

A deadly Israeli airstrike on Hezbollah’s stronghold in southern Beirut on Friday has left over a dozen people dead, including a high-ranking Hezbollah commander, sharply escalating the conflict between the two sides and raising fears of all-out war.
<a href=></a>
Senior Hezbollah commander Ibrahim Aqil, part of Hezbollah’s elite Radwan Force, was assassinated along with “about 10” other commanders, Israel Defense Forces (IDF) spokesperson Daniel Hagari said, accusing them of planning to raid and occupy communities in Galilee in northern Israel.

Hezbollah confirmed Aqil’s death on Friday, saying he was killed “following a treacherous Israeli assassination operation on 09/20/2024 in the southern suburbs of Beirut.”

According to Hagari, the targeted commanders were “underground underneath a residential building in the heart of the Dahiyeh neighborhood, using civilians as a human shield” at the time of the attack.

Lebanon’s health ministry said at least 14 people were killed and 66 others injured in the airstrike, which leveled a multistory building in a densely populated neighborhood.

Aqil had a $7 million bounty on his head from the United States for his suspected involvement in the 1983 strike on the US Embassy in Beirut, which killed 63 people, as well as the bombing of the Beirut Marine barracks, which killed 241 US personnel later that year.

A CNN team on the ground in Beirut saw a frantic effort to rescue people from underneath the rubble and rush the wounded to hospital. Witnesses said nearby buildings shook for nearly half an hour after the strike, which the IDF said it had carried out at around 4 p.m. local time.
A week of surprise attacks
Friday’s strike marked the fourth consecutive day of surprise attacks on Beirut and other sites across the country, even as Israeli forces continued deadly strikes and operations in Gaza and the occupied West Bank.

The first major attack against Hezbollah this week came Tuesday afternoon when pagers belonging to the militant groups’ members exploded near-simultaneously. The pagers had been used by Hezbollah to communicate after the group’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah, encouraged members to switch to low-tech devices to prevent more of them from being assassinated.

Almost exactly 24 hours later, Lebanon was rocked by a second wave of explosions, after Hezbollah walkie-talkies detonated in Beirut and the south of the country on Wednesday.

At least 37 people were killed, including some children, and more than 3,000 were injured in the twin attacks.

In a United Nations Security Council meeting on Friday, UN human rights chief Volker Turk on Friday warned that the detonation of communication devices could violate international human rights law.

Lebanese Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib and Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon clashed at the heated meeting, with Bou Habib calling on the council to condemn Israel’s actions and Danon slamming the Lebanese envoy for not mentioning Hezbollah.

46827)  Haroldtar (24.09.2024 07:29)

Beirut, Lebanon

A deadly Israeli airstrike on Hezbollah’s stronghold in southern Beirut on Friday has left over a dozen people dead, including a high-ranking Hezbollah commander, sharply escalating the conflict between the two sides and raising fears of all-out war.
<a href=></a>
Senior Hezbollah commander Ibrahim Aqil, part of Hezbollah’s elite Radwan Force, was assassinated along with “about 10” other commanders, Israel Defense Forces (IDF) spokesperson Daniel Hagari said, accusing them of planning to raid and occupy communities in Galilee in northern Israel.

Hezbollah confirmed Aqil’s death on Friday, saying he was killed “following a treacherous Israeli assassination operation on 09/20/2024 in the southern suburbs of Beirut.”

According to Hagari, the targeted commanders were “underground underneath a residential building in the heart of the Dahiyeh neighborhood, using civilians as a human shield” at the time of the attack.

Lebanon’s health ministry said at least 14 people were killed and 66 others injured in the airstrike, which leveled a multistory building in a densely populated neighborhood.

Aqil had a $7 million bounty on his head from the United States for his suspected involvement in the 1983 strike on the US Embassy in Beirut, which killed 63 people, as well as the bombing of the Beirut Marine barracks, which killed 241 US personnel later that year.

A CNN team on the ground in Beirut saw a frantic effort to rescue people from underneath the rubble and rush the wounded to hospital. Witnesses said nearby buildings shook for nearly half an hour after the strike, which the IDF said it had carried out at around 4 p.m. local time.
A week of surprise attacks
Friday’s strike marked the fourth consecutive day of surprise attacks on Beirut and other sites across the country, even as Israeli forces continued deadly strikes and operations in Gaza and the occupied West Bank.

The first major attack against Hezbollah this week came Tuesday afternoon when pagers belonging to the militant groups’ members exploded near-simultaneously. The pagers had been used by Hezbollah to communicate after the group’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah, encouraged members to switch to low-tech devices to prevent more of them from being assassinated.

Almost exactly 24 hours later, Lebanon was rocked by a second wave of explosions, after Hezbollah walkie-talkies detonated in Beirut and the south of the country on Wednesday.

At least 37 people were killed, including some children, and more than 3,000 were injured in the twin attacks.

In a United Nations Security Council meeting on Friday, UN human rights chief Volker Turk on Friday warned that the detonation of communication devices could violate international human rights law.

Lebanese Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib and Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon clashed at the heated meeting, with Bou Habib calling on the council to condemn Israel’s actions and Danon slamming the Lebanese envoy for not mentioning Hezbollah.

46828)  ClaytonCal (24.09.2024 08:29)

Beirut, Lebanon

A deadly Israeli airstrike on Hezbollah’s stronghold in southern Beirut on Friday has left over a dozen people dead, including a high-ranking Hezbollah commander, sharply escalating the conflict between the two sides and raising fears of all-out war.
<a href=></a>
Senior Hezbollah commander Ibrahim Aqil, part of Hezbollah’s elite Radwan Force, was assassinated along with “about 10” other commanders, Israel Defense Forces (IDF) spokesperson Daniel Hagari said, accusing them of planning to raid and occupy communities in Galilee in northern Israel.

Hezbollah confirmed Aqil’s death on Friday, saying he was killed “following a treacherous Israeli assassination operation on 09/20/2024 in the southern suburbs of Beirut.”

According to Hagari, the targeted commanders were “underground underneath a residential building in the heart of the Dahiyeh neighborhood, using civilians as a human shield” at the time of the attack.

Lebanon’s health ministry said at least 14 people were killed and 66 others injured in the airstrike, which leveled a multistory building in a densely populated neighborhood.

Aqil had a $7 million bounty on his head from the United States for his suspected involvement in the 1983 strike on the US Embassy in Beirut, which killed 63 people, as well as the bombing of the Beirut Marine barracks, which killed 241 US personnel later that year.

A CNN team on the ground in Beirut saw a frantic effort to rescue people from underneath the rubble and rush the wounded to hospital. Witnesses said nearby buildings shook for nearly half an hour after the strike, which the IDF said it had carried out at around 4 p.m. local time.
A week of surprise attacks
Friday’s strike marked the fourth consecutive day of surprise attacks on Beirut and other sites across the country, even as Israeli forces continued deadly strikes and operations in Gaza and the occupied West Bank.

The first major attack against Hezbollah this week came Tuesday afternoon when pagers belonging to the militant groups’ members exploded near-simultaneously. The pagers had been used by Hezbollah to communicate after the group’s leader, Hassan Nasrallah, encouraged members to switch to low-tech devices to prevent more of them from being assassinated.

Almost exactly 24 hours later, Lebanon was rocked by a second wave of explosions, after Hezbollah walkie-talkies detonated in Beirut and the south of the country on Wednesday.

At least 37 people were killed, including some children, and more than 3,000 were injured in the twin attacks.

In a United Nations Security Council meeting on Friday, UN human rights chief Volker Turk on Friday warned that the detonation of communication devices could violate international human rights law.

Lebanese Foreign Minister Abdallah Bou Habib and Israeli Ambassador to the UN Danny Danon clashed at the heated meeting, with Bou Habib calling on the council to condemn Israel’s actions and Danon slamming the Lebanese envoy for not mentioning Hezbollah.

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