- Titulní strana
- Homosexualita
- Propaganda
- Homosexualita a nacismus
- Pohlavní nemoci
- Homosexualita a pedofilie
- Oscar Wilde
- Homosexualita a zoofilie
- Léčba homosexuality
- Homosexualita a církev
- Homosexualita a skaut
- Rusko a homosexualita
- Příčiny homosexuality
- Kriminalita a homosexualita
Rychlé zprávy
Zákon nabídky a poptávky a podíl gayů na zneužívání dětí
Na internetu se nacházejí dva dobře zpracované materiály, ze kterých se dají vyčíst informace o rozsahu zneužívání dětí gayi.
20.08.2013 [17:18], pacer, Homosexualita, komentováno 50653×, zobrazeno 1599691×

Autor: Pavel Čermák
Zástupce generálního ředitele ruské státní televizní a rádiové společnosti VGTRK Kiselev si dovolil v roce 2012 prohlásit:
„Myslím si, že nestačí uzákonit pokuty gayům za homosexuální propagandu mezi teenagery. Mělo by jím být zakázáno darovat krev a semeno. A jejich srdce by v případě automobilové havárie mělo být pohřbeno do země, nebo spáleno, jako nevhodné pro záchranu života.“
Po tomto výroku se v západních masmédiích strhl velký pokřik a kdosi si dokonce dal práci vyhotovit karikaturu s nadpisem: Dmitri Kiselev požírá srdce gayů.
Tito horliví „humanisté“ však nepostřehli, nebo se tomu záměrně vyhýbají, že omezení, která Kiselev navrhl, existují ve většině západních zemí. V následující tabulce je ve druhém sloupci zleva (deferral for MSM) uvedeno, jak dlouho od posledního sexu s mužem nesmí MSM (muži, kteří mají sex s muži) darovat krev. Indefinite znamená, že nikdy, samozřejmě za předpokladu že pravidla nebudou změněna. No ban znamená, že v této zemi takový zákaz není. Ve třetím sloupci zleva je omezení pro ženy, které měly sex s MSM.
Country | Deferral for MSM | Deferral for female sex partners of MSM | Ref(s) |
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Indefinite | ||
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1 year | [7] | |
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1 year | 1 year | [9] |
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Indefinite | [10] | |
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Indefinite | [11] | |
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1 year | ||
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5 years | 1 year | [12] |
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No ban | [13] | |
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Indefinite | [14] | |
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1 year | 1 year | [15] |
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Indefinite | ||
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Indefinite | ||
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Indefinite | [16] | |
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Indefinite | [17] | |
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1 year | [7] | |
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Indefinite | ||
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Indefinite | ||
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Indefinite B | [18] | |
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No ban | [7] | |
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1 year | [7] | |
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Indefinite | ||
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No ban | [19] | |
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Indefinite | [20] | |
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5 years | 1 year | [7][21] |
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Indefinite | ||
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No ban A | [7][22][23][24] | |
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Indefinite | ||
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Indefinite | ||
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6 months | [7] | |
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Indefinite | [25] | |
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No ban | [7] | |
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1 year | [26] | |
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Indefinite | ||
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Indefinite | [27] | |
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Indefinite | ||
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1 year | [28] | |
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Indefinite B | 1 year | [7] |
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No ban | [7] | |
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Indefinite C | No ban |
Z přehledu na první pohled vyplývá, že převažuje časově neomezený zákaz. Některé země, jako Austrálie nebo Česká republika mají omezení po dobu jednoho roku i pro ženy, které měly sex s MSM.
Pokud jde o srdce gayů, které si novináři vytáhli do titulků, tak tam je samozřejmě třeba poněkud hlouběji diferencovat. Obecně lze říci, že orgánů vhodných k transplantacím je velký nedostatek a spousty lidí na ně zoufale čekají. Jejich cena, pokud se dá vyčíslit v penězích, je vysoká. Za těchto okolností se vyplatí provést i nákladná vyšetření na široké spektrum virů a dalších patogenů, aby se zjistilo, zda byl rizikový dárce, gay, zdravý. Lékaři i sám pacient musí zvážit, zda je podstupované riziko přiměřené s ohledem na to, že vhodný dárce se nemusí znovu objevit po celá léta. To riziko je samozřejmě velké i s ohledem na to, že po transplantaci je nutné potlačovat imunitu příjemce, aby se nerozvinula imunitní reakce proti transplantovanému orgánu. Za této situace může být smrtící i virus, se kterým by se zdravý organismus sám vypořádal.
Rusko zrušilo zákaz dárcovství krve po velké kampani homosexuálních aktivistů v roce 2008 a v současnosti tak patří k málu zemí, které neomezují dárcovství na základě samotného sexu mezi muži. To však neznamená, že by lékaři zemí jako Rusko, Polsko nebo Itálie byli lhostejní k ochraně pacientů před pohlavními i jinými infekčními nemocemi. Tyto země přijímají dárce na základě hodnocení rizikovosti jejich sexuálního života. Avšak ani tímto způsobem se nelze vyhnout rozlišování mezi heterosexuálními a homosexuálními dárci, jak se LGBT aktivisté snaží prosadit. Vzhledem k mnohonásobně většímu rozšíření pohlavních nemocí v komunitách gayů lze homosexuální styk s jedním mužem přirovnat rizikem nakažení k heterosexuálnímu styku s padesáti i více ženami. A tato rizikovost musí být ve směrnicích pro dárce jasně definována, ať se to někomu líbí nebo ne. S lidskými životy nelze hazardovat v zájmu nějaké nepodložené, dobové ideologie, ať už je to homosexualismus, egalitářství, hedonismus nebo cokoli jiného. Lékaři jsou však naštěstí zodpovědní a navíc pod hrozbou žalob ze strany pacientů, takže zatím dokázali náporu homosexuální lobby vzdorovat.
Zástupce ředitele VGTRK Kiselev tedy nepožadoval nic jiného, než návrat ke standardu většiny západních zemí.
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This offer has a very low rollover requirement of 14x. 35% Cryptocurrency Reload Bonus. The 35% Crypto Reload works for the same cryptocurrency methods and offers 35% back on deposits of $20 or more. Up to $1,000 can be earned with this promotion by using CRYPTO35 . This option has a 6x rollover requirement. Both of these offers are great options but be advised, the bonus cash must be spent in the sportsbook, not the casino. Euro king casino bonus code. Risk-Free Bet. With this option, no code is required. BetOnline is offering first-time players a risk-free option. Simply wager on select Betsoft Gaming options, such as American Blackjack , Caribbean Poker , European Roulette , Fruitbat Crazy or Viking Voyage with $10 or more. On that first bet, if you win, you get to keep your winnings. If you lose, the casino will give you up to $100 back . Support must be contacted with the loss details and the bonus cash will have a 40x rollover requirement. Free Spins. This offer is another common option at the site. Earn free spins by playing specific games during a certain time frame. An example of this is Free Spins Frenzy Reloaded. Play Gold Canyon and Spinfinity Man on Friday and Saturday to quality for 1 free spin for every 5x $5 spins you make on the qualifying games. Up to 50 free spins are awarded and must be played on the same two games. The weekly free spins offer have no rollover requirements and no code is needed. Euro king casino online. Here’s everything you need to know about gambling ages around the world. Being Aware Of Gambling Laws. There are countries that are completely open to gambling. The UK, Germany, and Spain are the biggest markets in Europe and it’s legal for players to gamble online and in traditional casinos too. The same goes for the majority of European countries, including the likes of Ireland, Serbia, and Croatia. On the other hand, nations such as Russia and the Czech Republic have banned gambling completely, so even though they are European, you won’t find any casinos there. You may be able to find online gambling sites in these countries but be aware that they will not be regulated. Always look to play on a fully-licensed online casino. Check with online review sites to see how previous players rate it. These are usually the go-to signs that indicate if the site is legit. Alternatively, you could play for free and not deposit any money to test it out. Now, in terms of age, the minimum age to play anywhere where gambling is legal in Europe is 18 years old. There are some exceptions though. For example, in Germany, Ireland and Belgium, you must be 21 years old to gamble. Greece is another exception where you must be at least 23 to gamble. In Portugal, it’s higher still, with players needing to be 25 years old. However, these restrictions are for natives so for example, if you’re from the UK and travel to Portugal, you need to be at least 18 years old. For the US, players are required to be 21 years old to play for real money, with the exceptions of Alaska, Idaho, Minnesota, and Wyoming, where you can gamble for real money if you’re over 18 years old. This shows though that each state has its own laws on gambling, with some only allowing certain games and bets too. This also applies to online gambling. For example, it’s legal to play online poker in New Jersey but it’s illegal in most other states. So, it’s clear that each country has its own gambling laws and age restrictions. You must keep them in mind whenever you think about gambling abroad as what’s legal in your residence may not be in your destination. Gambling Age In The US. Gambling in the US is not restricted to just Las Vegas and Atlantic City. Most places allow gambling in casinos and the ages range from 18 to 21 years old, depending on the state. The US also has some states where particular forms of gambling are legal but others are not. Here are some specific examples of gambling in the US: A player that goes betting with a minor in Alabama is considered committing a misdemeanor, regardless if the minor is playing or not. In Arizona, it’s legal for charities to operate as a casino at night. In Arkansas, it is illegal for anyone under the age of 18 to “be a patron of the pari-mutuel or certificate system of wagering conducted or supervised by it.” However, these laws do not suggest that it’s forbidden to attend horse races. Delaware has the strongest regulations around gambling. Players must be at least 18 years old to play the State Lottery. However, an 18-year old may purchase a lottery ticket and give it to a younger person as a gift. Gambling Age In The UK. The UK is very accepting of gambling. There are lots of adverts during sporting events that encourage players to get involved and bet on their favorite teams. The minimum legal gambling age in the UK is 18 years old. This applies to most gambling activities including casinos, racetracks, betting shops, bingo halls, and online gambling. One of the exceptions to the rule is for the National Lottery, other lotteries and football pools. It’s legal for players to take part in these from the age of 16, as well as opportunities to play for low stakes. There are also some gaming machines found in entertainment centers and arcades that have no minimum ages and anyone can play them, such as coin pushers and teddy grabbers. However, it’s considered a criminal offense for people over 16 but under 18 to gamble in games that are not permitted under these exemptions. How Old Do You Have to Be to Go to a Casino and Gamble? Each jurisdiction in the world sets a different legal gambling age. Yet, because there are so many places around the world and in the United States where you can gamble, the question “How old do you have to be to go to casino and gamble?” keeps cropping up. To help you find out more about the gambling age in your jurisdiction, we have put together a comprehensive guide to the gambling age by state in the USA as well as other popular gambling hubs around the world. How Old Do You Have to Be to Gamble in the United States? The legal gambling age in the United States varies depending on the state and the activity you want to gamble on. Usually, this is either 18 or 21, in most states in the U.S. and certainly in Nevada. The gambling age in Vegas is 21 for all available activities, including casinos, poker, and pari-mutuel betting. We have put together a table you can use to reference the gambling age by state in the USA. Legal Gambling in the USA Casino Poker Sports Betting Alabama 21 21 – Alaska 21 – – Arizona 21 21 21 Arkansas 21 21 18 California 18-21 18-21 18 Colorado 21 21 18 Connecticut 21 21 18 Delaware 21 18-21 17 Florida 21 18 18 Georgia 18 (on cruise ships) 18 – Hawaii 21 21 – Idaho 18 18 18 Illinois 21 21 18 Indiana 21 21 18 Iowa 21 21 21 Kansas 21 21 21 Kentucky – – 18 Louisiana 21 21 18 Maine 21 21 18 Maryland 21 21 18 Massachusetts 21 21 18 Michigan 18-21 18 18 Minnesota 18 18 18 Mississippi 21 21 18 Missouri 21 21 18 Montana 18 18 18 Nebraska 21 21 18 Nevada 21 21 21 New Hampshire 21 18 21 New Jersey 21 21 18 New Mexico 21 21 18 New York 21 21 18 North Carolina 21 21 – North Dakota 18-21 18-21 18 Ohio 18-21 18-21 18 Oklahoma 18 18 18 Oregon 21 18 18 Pennsylvania 21 21 18 Rhode Island 21 21 18 South Dakota 18 (at tribal casinos) – – South Carolina 21 (on cruise ships) 18 – Tennessee – – – Texas 21 21 21 Utah 21 21 – Vermont 21 21 – Virginia 21 18 – Washington 18 18 – West Virginia 21 21 18 Wisconsin 21 21 21 Wyoming 21 21 18 вЂ-†= activity has not yet been legalized within the state. Legal Gambling Age: How Old Do I Need to Be to Gamble in Each State? As mentioned, the legal gambling age will vary across different states in the USA. Each state is its own jurisdictions and, while federal laws apply, gambling is a strict state affair. Therefore, lawmakers are free to seek consensus on the gambling age. To gamble for real money in the United States today you have to be either 18 or 21. However, there are some specific exemptions for tribal casinos. While commercial casinos may only admit you if you are 21, a tribal casino may allow you to enter on 18, because they enjoy sovereignty. Presently, there are 35 states where you can only gamble if you are 21+ and 22 states that allow 18+ individuals to enter and gamble. Why Do Americans Have to Wait Until 21 in Most Cases to Gamble? The gambling age is set at 21 for a reason that most likely has to do with how the law interprets an individual’s legal status in society. Until a person is an adult, which is usually 21, they are the responsibility of their parents. In other words, if an individual were to gamble and rack up a huge gambling debt, his parents would be legally obligated to pay for him or her. That’s why in most cases, the gambling age in the USA is set at 21, although this has been adjusted in some states depending on the activity and at what age an individual is considered an adult. Popular Destinations Around the World and the Gambling Age There. Countries around the world are free to set their own specific limits and restrictions on gambling and, by extension, on the legal gambling age. While the United States has over 2,200 casinos today, there are other countries where gambling is legalized and there is a legal age that individuals must meet to participate. United Kingdom. Gambling age: 18.
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