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Zákon nabídky a poptávky a podíl gayů na zneužívání dětí
Na internetu se nacházejí dva dobře zpracované materiály, ze kterých se dají vyčíst informace o rozsahu zneužívání dětí gayi.
20.08.2013 [17:18], pacer, Homosexualita, komentováno 49378×, zobrazeno 1538348×
Autor: Pavel Čermák
Zástupce generálního ředitele ruské státní televizní a rádiové společnosti VGTRK Kiselev si dovolil v roce 2012 prohlásit:
„Myslím si, že nestačí uzákonit pokuty gayům za homosexuální propagandu mezi teenagery. Mělo by jím být zakázáno darovat krev a semeno. A jejich srdce by v případě automobilové havárie mělo být pohřbeno do země, nebo spáleno, jako nevhodné pro záchranu života.“
Po tomto výroku se v západních masmédiích strhl velký pokřik a kdosi si dokonce dal práci vyhotovit karikaturu s nadpisem: Dmitri Kiselev požírá srdce gayů.
Tito horliví „humanisté“ však nepostřehli, nebo se tomu záměrně vyhýbají, že omezení, která Kiselev navrhl, existují ve většině západních zemí. V následující tabulce je ve druhém sloupci zleva (deferral for MSM) uvedeno, jak dlouho od posledního sexu s mužem nesmí MSM (muži, kteří mají sex s muži) darovat krev. Indefinite znamená, že nikdy, samozřejmě za předpokladu že pravidla nebudou změněna. No ban znamená, že v této zemi takový zákaz není. Ve třetím sloupci zleva je omezení pro ženy, které měly sex s MSM.
Country | Deferral for MSM | Deferral for female sex partners of MSM | Ref(s) |
Algeria | Indefinite | ||
Argentina | 1 year | [7] | |
Australia | 1 year | 1 year | [9] |
Austria | Indefinite | [10] | |
Belgium | Indefinite | [11] | |
Brazil | 1 year | ||
Canada | 5 years | 1 year | [12] |
Chile | No ban | [13] | |
Croatia | Indefinite | [14] | |
Czech Republic | 1 year | 1 year | [15] |
Denmark | Indefinite | ||
Estonia | Indefinite | ||
Finland | Indefinite | ||
France | Indefinite | ||
Germany | Indefinite | [16] | |
Greece | Indefinite | ||
Hong Kong | Indefinite | [17] | |
Hungary | 1 year | [7] | |
Iceland | Indefinite | ||
Ireland | Indefinite | ||
Israel | Indefinite B | [18] | |
Italy | No ban | [7] | |
Japan | 1 year | [7] | |
Malta | Indefinite | ||
Mexico | No ban | [19] | |
Netherlands | Indefinite | [20] | |
New Zealand | 5 years | 1 year | [7][21] |
Norway | Indefinite | ||
Poland | No ban A | [7][22][23][24] | |
Portugal | Indefinite | ||
Philippines | Indefinite | ||
South Africa | 6 months | [7] | |
Slovenia | Indefinite | [25] | |
Spain | No ban | [7] | |
Sweden | 1 year | [26] | |
Switzerland | Indefinite | ||
Thailand | Indefinite | [27] | |
Turkey | Indefinite | ||
United Kingdom | 1 year | [28] | |
United States | Indefinite B | 1 year | [7] |
Uruguay | No ban | [7] | |
Venezuela | Indefinite C | No ban |
Z přehledu na první pohled vyplývá, že převažuje časově neomezený zákaz. Některé země, jako Austrálie nebo Česká republika mají omezení po dobu jednoho roku i pro ženy, které měly sex s MSM.
Pokud jde o srdce gayů, které si novináři vytáhli do titulků, tak tam je samozřejmě třeba poněkud hlouběji diferencovat. Obecně lze říci, že orgánů vhodných k transplantacím je velký nedostatek a spousty lidí na ně zoufale čekají. Jejich cena, pokud se dá vyčíslit v penězích, je vysoká. Za těchto okolností se vyplatí provést i nákladná vyšetření na široké spektrum virů a dalších patogenů, aby se zjistilo, zda byl rizikový dárce, gay, zdravý. Lékaři i sám pacient musí zvážit, zda je podstupované riziko přiměřené s ohledem na to, že vhodný dárce se nemusí znovu objevit po celá léta. To riziko je samozřejmě velké i s ohledem na to, že po transplantaci je nutné potlačovat imunitu příjemce, aby se nerozvinula imunitní reakce proti transplantovanému orgánu. Za této situace může být smrtící i virus, se kterým by se zdravý organismus sám vypořádal.
Rusko zrušilo zákaz dárcovství krve po velké kampani homosexuálních aktivistů v roce 2008 a v současnosti tak patří k málu zemí, které neomezují dárcovství na základě samotného sexu mezi muži. To však neznamená, že by lékaři zemí jako Rusko, Polsko nebo Itálie byli lhostejní k ochraně pacientů před pohlavními i jinými infekčními nemocemi. Tyto země přijímají dárce na základě hodnocení rizikovosti jejich sexuálního života. Avšak ani tímto způsobem se nelze vyhnout rozlišování mezi heterosexuálními a homosexuálními dárci, jak se LGBT aktivisté snaží prosadit. Vzhledem k mnohonásobně většímu rozšíření pohlavních nemocí v komunitách gayů lze homosexuální styk s jedním mužem přirovnat rizikem nakažení k heterosexuálnímu styku s padesáti i více ženami. A tato rizikovost musí být ve směrnicích pro dárce jasně definována, ať se to někomu líbí nebo ne. S lidskými životy nelze hazardovat v zájmu nějaké nepodložené, dobové ideologie, ať už je to homosexualismus, egalitářství, hedonismus nebo cokoli jiného. Lékaři jsou však naštěstí zodpovědní a navíc pod hrozbou žalob ze strany pacientů, takže zatím dokázali náporu homosexuální lobby vzdorovat.
Zástupce ředitele VGTRK Kiselev tedy nepožadoval nic jiného, než návrat ke standardu většiny západních zemí.
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34682) LikaBum (24.07.2022 20:12)
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34683) Kleifgenimv (24.07.2022 22:47)
A Deadly Hunt for Hidden Treasure Spawns an online Mystery
Paul had enjoyed in Townsend, don and doff, simply 1974. to 1990, He separated from his wife and moved by their 4 year old son, Eric, Into a cell home, Then a compact hilltop house nearby. He turned the modest two bedroom home into a hippie escape, Teaching himself to make artisan cheese and hanging a purple sign with his favorite quote by the entrance ( Is no path to peace The path IS peace He often take his son trekking together with nearby hills and rafting down the Little River.
Paul had raised Eric mostly on his own, Struggling to relate to his son passion for computer games and anime. Eric would carry his laptop a quarter mile down the hill to a telephone pole so as to speed up his internet. Be sitting down there at 1 o morning, Paul recalls.
Eric was grown now years of age still had that headstrong streak. He had recently developed a singular obsession: An epic treasure hunts in the Rocky Mountains devised by an enigmatic art mogul named Forrest Fenn. within 2016, Eric had moved to Colorado Springs, denver colorado, To devote more time to the hunt, involving deciphering the clues in a cryptic poem, you receive is June 28, 2017, He told friends he had solved Fenn puzzle and would retrieve the treasure. Paul didn know much about the treasure hunts, But he was content to hear his son was out hiking and rafting as he had as a boy. that day, Eric posted on twitter. Hope today actually is the success I hoped for, He authored. Me instances. Ten days later inside a Barn, Paul received a call from a mysterious number.
Ashby? Said a young woman on the other end of the line.
Son is decayed. He fell out of a raft and perished. Figured his son was up to getting some joke. Eric now is not the time to be playing pranks, Paul sent a reply. in a wedding. mr. Ashby, You don totally, The mother said. Is useless. it follows that she hung up.
Paul clutched his phone as the guests swirled around him in what felt like slow motion. He tried calling quantity of back but no one answered. When he called Eric phone, The call went straight to voicemail. who was simply the unknown caller? where was his son? And why would Eric risk his life for an strange old man game?
Forrest Fenn doesn own a close look, A telephone number, as well as a GPS. Am not ready for the 21st century, He laughed and said. When I visited him one sunny evening last April, He didn appear to be much like a man for the 20th century either. you 87, With wispy white hair and curious eyes. His well-received outfit is blue jeans, A belt with an ornate aqua green buckle, And Hush puppies shoes. He lives on a couple acres of land in a sprawling home on the Santa Fe Trail. American Indian artifacts and Western curios line his walls: buffalo skulls, Arrowheads, Moccasins, And original works of art by the masters of the frontier. Lauren came here and experimented with buy that headdress, Fenn exclaimed, leading to one in a feathered row hanging in his study. associated with pension transfer of Fenn stories, It hard to be aware what to believe. As he admits in his self released memoir, the rush and excitment of the Chase, Of my natural instincts is to embellish a tad. spent in Temple, arizona, whilst still being carries the soft twang of the Lone Star State. planned his father was the headmaster of his grade school, He normally played hooky, in the market for arrowheads in nearby creek beds. the sun was out, scent of freedom was more than I could resist, He wrote in his precious moment. He spent his summers being employed as a fishing guide in West Yellowstone, montana, Where his household members had a cabin. After graduating from Temple college in 1947 and marrying his school sweetheart, Peggy Jean Proctor, He joined the actual environment Force. He flew associated with missions in Vietnam and was twice shot down, gaining a Silver Star and Purple Heart.
Fenn returned home on holiday Eve, 1968, And retired from the Air Force two years later. He had been eager about American Indian artifacts since childhood, And he to be able to make himself into an art and antiques dealer. all the way through 1972, considering the $12,000 annual stipend he received as golden age pay, Fenn moved his family unit to Santa Fe, New south america, And gotten an adobe home, Where he turned the beginning into a gallery. Fenn made up for his lack of exposure to a showman streak. Noticing that competing galleries took out small black or white ads in local newspapers, He had $3,000 on a full page color notice in system Digest.
His brash marketing methods worked, And wealthy collectors began visiting his gallery. exceptional schmoozer, He informed me. Before long he was among the top selling art dealers in town, states, earning up to $1 million a year. He adjusted his modest gallery into a lavish, Two acre homestead boasting three guest houses, A rapturous patio or garden, And a pond which contain two alligators named Elvis and Beowulf. Fenn says political figures and celebrities including former president Gerald Ford, Robert Redford, Cher, And Steve Martin made pilgrimages to Santa Fe buying his exotic goods and attend his legendary parties. Jackie Onassis once found lacking a bottle of brandy, Fenn comes with. He offered me a sip from what he claimed was the same 36 years old bottle: up your eyes and imagine you drinking it with her. 1988, At age of 58, Fenn was given a diagnosis of kidney cancer. Two years in advance, His 81 yr old father, bill, Was told he pancreatic cancer, Fenn says. pursuing 18 months, William killed himself by subtracting 50 sleeping pills, in his son. Respected him for having the courage to go out by himself terms, Fenn recalls. After being racked by chemotherapy and an failed surgery to remove the cancer, according to him, He was given a 20 percent chance of surviving many years. As Fenn commands the tale, He thought we would follow in his father footsteps with his own swashbuckling twist. He would fill a cherish chest with gold and jewels, He felt, And carry it to its own place in the Rockies. Then he would swallow a bottle of regenerating pills and die beside his riches. however, He would write a poem develop clues to the treasure location. stomach, Read a young draft of his poem, quit my bones. meanwhile with the plan, Fenn affirms, Is that he recoverable. Over the next nearly a year, Then years and years, He slowly grew robust, And in 1993 he was expressed cancer free. After being homebound by his disease habitual, Fenn was overcome with a renewed idea for nature and an urgent sense of purpose. really need to get off the couch, out from the game room, And away from our electronics, he states. He now saw his hunt so that you can entice people into the wild.
shortly before bedtime, Alone in his alexander doll study, He tweaked and revised his poem. at some point, regarding 2010, long after he first hatched the idea, He was relieved. He acquired a 10 by 10 inch bronze prize chest and filled it with emeralds, Rubies, diamond jewelry, And gold coins he collected get rid of at gun shows and auctions. He added two gold nuggets from alaska, Large as roasted chicken eggs, he states, As well as an old Navajo bracelet with 22 prehistoric turquoise disc beads inlaid in silver.
One summer afternoon that year, Fenn drove in the present Rockies how far and how long, He won say biceps and the treasure in the trunk of his sedan. He made two trips to his location. First, He positioned the empty, Approximately 20 pound bronze box into a backpack and lugged it into the mountains, taking in heavily. He stashed it in an area dear to his heart. Then he returned with the gold and jewels and filled tummy. Was getting into strange territory in my mind, He recaptures. He walked back to his car feeling giddy about what he done. Said in a loud phone, Fenn, Did you absolutely that? he states. One was about, And I started laughing. nov 2010, Fenn commenced the treasure hunt with the publication of The Thrill of the Chase, that features his completed poem. The 24 lines contain nine clues to tummy location, the lake somewhere north of Santa Fe, according to him.
Fenn firstly printed just 1,000 copies of his memoir and stocked them at compiled Works, An indie book store in Santa Fe. inside 2013, Hemispheres magazine ran a story on his treasure hunt. once, The Today show aired a set on Fenn, amazing slim, 150 page book became an overnight revelation. Thousands of buyers from as far as Italy and Ecuador flooded gathered Works website. (First prints of the rush and excitment of the Chase can now fetch more than $750 on Amazon.) Despite Fenn intent to lure people away from them devices, His hunt had all the constituents cryptic puzzle, A tantalizing fortune, An serious mastermind go viral. News coverage found, From national TV broadcasts and local newspapers through Southwest. What started as one man quirky swan song became an actual Ready Player One.
Fenn achieved Wonka like status among the self described people, The network that cropped up around his legend. Lovers of riddles and outdoor pursuit converged to form a dedicated network of blogs, forums, online businesses, And Facebook pages focused on the hunt. Toby Younis, A retired digital media executive who cohosts a Fenn fanatic YouTube show, A Gypsy make out, Says the net helps them the puzzle. Searchers espouse theories in Fenn forums and detail their quests in YouTube verifiable testimonies. Dozens of individuals meet in Santa Fe each June for Fennboree, a fanfest.
But inspite of the hive mind enthusiasm of the Searchers, Others grapple with doubts about true of Fenn tale. They imagine an 80 years old man even a young, well balanced person a bronze chest across his back. kind of terrain wooded, Rocky he traverse without tripping over tree roots and stones? Though a handful of Fenn loved ones claim they saw him filling the chest, There no way to prove principles inside, Let alone what it might be worth. in addition to the, Barring its finding, is not a way to prove that he actually hid it. Given the a great deal more 100,000 square miles of mountains when the box could be located, It seems unlikely that even the most intrepid Searchers can get it anytime soon, if. even, within the last few eight years, the chance that the bounty does exist has been enough to spur treasure hunters into the red canyons of the high desert and wild rivers of the Rockies.
Fenn claims <a href=></a> he receives around 100 emails from eager seekers every day. He told me that 350,000 folks have looked for the treasure, a bid he bases on his always full inbox. For sincere Fennheads, The appeal isn just big money, It senses with Forrest, Says 64 year old Cynthia Meachum, Who lifetimes in Albuquerque, New mexico. Since going from her job as a semiconductor engineer in 2015, She devoted her life to researching Fenn treasure, First in an online valley near Taos, New mexico, And now near Yellowstone countrywide Park. The hunt tends to attract people technical backgrounds, Meachum tells people. really the most egotistical group of treasure hunters, given we all think, Use logic just about every in my job. i personally use them flowcharts. i use schematics. How hard can this be? she or he muses. None of us say that it. the years and months, Fenn poem has inspired Talmudic presentation. One Searcher on the site Fenn Clues posits that, based on the first line, Are almost surely purchasing location that satisfies So, A Solitary Geyser or a Lone Indian Peak would suit your purposes. Other determinations are definitely more arcane. A Searcher nicknamed the White Knight insists the in the 13th line refers to a turtle shaped tattoo on the chest of a character in Marvel illustrated version of the 1826 novel all of the the Mohicans. How that translates to the modern day landscape is unclear.
Since distributing his treasure riddle in 2010, Forrest Fenn has doled out about a dozen additional hints in job interviews, catalogs, And TV performances.
Though Fenn regularly stokes the frenzy with interviews, He regards online sleuthing as uncalled for. Is no reason for anyone to use the internet or social media when going to search for the treasure, Fenn laughed and said. the require is a map, a strategy, health and wellness, And a buddy to go along for safety reasons. inescapably, Determined Searchers have dismissed his advice. In the month of january 2016, Randy Bilyeu, A 54 year old man from Broomfield, co, Disappeared with a raft while looking for the treasure near Cochiti Lake in New Mexico. The news emotionally vulnerable the Searchers, which one, initially, Had lost one that belongs to them. Bilyeu was a part of the Fenn community: He was unthreatening with Dal Neitzel, Who runs some of the visited Fenn treasure websites, And he once met Fenn at a book putting their signature to in Santa Fe. upset by the news, Fenn paid for a heli-copter to carry a search party. Six months afterwards, Bilyeu remains were on the banks of the river.
back in June 2017, rob Murphy, An claimed Searcher from Batavia, illinois, Died of an apparent fall at the 7,000 foot Turkey Pen Peak in Yellowstone domestic Park. the month, london Wallace, A pastor from lavish Junction, denver colorado, Died outside the Rio Grande. The deaths have only garnered more publicity for the treasure hunt, Spurring beneficial by Nightline, The los angeles Times, CBS media news release, whilst others.
The individuals aren the only ones at risk. Fenn and his family found strangers digging in his backyard for the treasure, he admits that. One woman wandered up the driveway to pray. across April 2017, Fenn sought a restraining order against a 55 year old Texan who showed up at his home taking photos.
Despite some toxins might, Fenn insists this wrong to halt the hunt. I called off the search, what would I say to the 350,000 people who have had wonderful experiences hiking backwoods with no ill effects except but a few mosquito bites? he tells. median of 12 people die each year at the Grand Canyon. there is a risk in nearly everything we do. Graduating from college, Eric Ashby started cooking in commercial location kitchens around Townsend, Nursing dreams of becoming skilled chef. getting wave of dark hair, Mischievous body language, And a completely ready laugh, selection friends easily. He usually never had much money, to be able to Heather Britt, friends of his, But he didn seem to are concerned about material things.
consequently, operating in 2014, a motorcycle accident left Eric with a gangrenous leg. He told his dad that a prescribed him oxycodone for the pain, And he got so used. Though Eric fully restored from the accident, Couldn depart the pills, Paul product recalls. newer, Eric took a swing at a plainclothes police man who had pulled him over. He was found guilty of assault and sentenced to seven years probation.
Eric first heard about Fenn treasure hunts in early 2016. He perfect away geeked out over the riddle. since a child, Eric had immersed himself in fantasy books and sci fi shows enjoy the X Files, And Fenn puzzle had the exact allure. Tempted by the mystery and still struggling to get rid of his oxy habit, In April 2016 Eric gone after Colorado Springs, Where he had some near friends. He knew he was violating his probation but believed that if he stayed in Townsend he end up back in jail anyway.
the modification of scenery was just what he needed. He quit the pills, His guests say, and located a job as a server at Edelweiss, A kitschy German catering. He lived in his car for a while to economize and started dating Jamie Longworth, A local medical medical marijuana grower.
By early 2017 Eric had become consumed by Fenn treasure hunts, debating it incessantly. He often stayed up late after holding tables, Smoking weed and obtaining clues on his laptop. He tracked possible destinations for the treasure on maps, Homing in on regal Gorge Park an hour away. Often he call Longworth to know exactly her how close he was to decoding Fenn clues. Eric wasn pushed and pulled by money, states. He enjoyed the rational puzzle of it all. Was one of the smartest guys I ever met, Longworth recalls. Would say his goal in life was to be interested by a blade of grass. Day last springtime, Eric met up with a small grouping of friends and declared, Know where Forrest Fenn display is, Says donald Gambrell, Who was there on that day. to be able to Longworth, He believed the area while the waters halt, As the poem is the word for, Was the wyoming River. He set up another clue, In below the home of Brown, To the house of a local physician, dr. age, Who had lived from your Gorge. And he deduced that the Fenn cites identified a fire that had happened nearby. When Eric described the location 60 miles southwest of Colorado Springs near Sunshine Falls, Along the Arkansas River gut stiffened. He urged Eric to take tips. Sure somebody up to you, Gambrell assured him. Eric replied that he already made a few trips to this area, But bad weather and high waters had prevented him from reaching his end point. When he told Longworth where he was lead, She urged him to reexamine. Was completely determined it was unsafe, She product recalls. Didn want him really going. with regards to June 28, Eric went naturally.
Ten days daily, Paul received the unknown call while he was greeting wedding guests. When he couldn stretch his son, He called the Fremont County sheriff office co Springs. They told him there was a reported drowning, But no body were originally found, So they couldn establish the victim. A few days later on on, He was contacted by private eye Sterling Jenkins, an actual stocky, Goateed officer who customized in marijuana enforcement. Jenkins couldn find a in need of person report for Eric Ashby. It wasn unheard of for people to vanish in the rivers and mountains around Colorado Springs, But it was unusual for the disappearance not to be declared. Paul later told Jenkins that he believed his son had been out deciding on Fenn treasure, But the private investigator had never heard of the hunt. Didn know if it was an injury, Jenkins tells how. Didn know if it truly was foul play. It is seen as a hoax. The detective vowed to discover had happened.
Word of Eric disappearance soon spread across Searcher blogs and discussion boards. But solar power panels Bilyeu, Who had attended Fenn book events and was immersed in the Searcher multi-level, Eric was unknown to other resource hunters. Though he had spent hours poring over their concepts and tips, Eric wasn an active musician in Searcher forums. He rarely revealed his hunches online, And he often went prize hunting alone. As more knowledge about Eric checkered past emerged, Some in the close knit Searcher group viewed Eric disappearance with skepticism. One faction pushed to distance the Fenn site from Eric case, Arguing that his rumored drug use would cast the hunt in a harmful light. Others questioned whether Eric wanted Fenn treasure at all when he went missing. When i asked Neitzel about Eric case, He bristled and refused to respond. move on, he explained gruffly. Eric, They did actually say, Wasn one of these.
Without the assistance of the Searchers, Eric friends and relatives dissected Fenn forums and Facebook pages for possible clues that might lead to him. Called ourselves the researchers, remembers Britt, uncle from Townsend.
Lisa Albritton, Eric half sis on his mother side, Led your family efforts from her home in Largo, louisiana. Though she and Eric had grown up in states, She in Florida and he in tn, The brothers and sisters were in touch often.
in truth, It didn take long to find what had happened to Eric. shortly after Paul received his mysterious phone call, Albritton went to Eric Facebook page and posted a query on the growing thread of comments from Eric alarmed friends: Anybody know the names of people my brother was with? She published. feel free to message me, acquire me, I don care I just need answers. Friend of Eric co Springs quickly replied with a profile picture of a smiling, Twentysomething woman with make length blond hair, Dark brows, And a fashionably shredded pink tshirt, along with name: Becca Nies. any individual tell me what role she plays in this? Albritton responded. Longworth offered a resolution: Was by having him, or maybe her boyfriend Jimi Booker, When he she submitted. She then provided a screen shot of a Facebook message that Nies, Who had previously worked.
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34698) BlackVuequg (25.07.2022 19:55)
Since the era of Charlemagne
34699) Beaterrae (25.07.2022 19:55)
... As a rule, the manuscript is called
34700) Foamspt (25.07.2022 19:56)
Middle Ages as in Western
34701) Glassgxy (25.07.2022 19:58)
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34702) Seriesmpy (25.07.2022 19:58)
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